





“薯” 字共有 16 画,笔画顺序为: 横、竖、竖、竖、横折、竖、竖、横、横、竖、横、撇、竖、横折、横、横。
“条” 字共有 7 画,笔画顺序为: 撇、横撇/横钩、捺、横、竖钩、撇、点。
薯条(英文名French fries)是一种以马铃薯为原料,切成条状后油炸而成的食品,源起于比利时。是现在最常见的快餐食品之一,流行于世界各地。
准备一圆底锅一半球状漏网,炸薯条的油可以用大豆油也可以用花生油,最好是经过提纯的清香油。用清香油可以保持土豆的原味。炸薯条时,油不可以太热,太热易使薯条炸糊;油也不可以太温, 容易炸硬了。取一支筷子,竖着插到锅底,有气泡和油花顺着筷子向上翻时,油温刚刚好。此乃一西安大厨所授的,屡试不爽。




平时,妈妈最不喜欢我吃像“肯德基”似的快餐。她说那是老外淘汰了的垃圾食品,吃了对身体没什么好处。可在暑假里,妈妈在我的再三请求下,终于答应带我去“肯德基”店里吃快餐。当我吃着金灿灿、香喷喷的炸薯条时,忽然脑子闪出一个念头 :我自己不也可以学着炸薯条吗?等我学会了,不来快餐店,我也可以吃上“肯德基”。
回到家,我便热火朝天的干起来。妈妈见我忙这忙那,奇怪地问:“能能,你到底要干什么?”“ 等一会儿您就知道了!”我神秘地对妈妈说。我先将妈妈买回来的四个马铃薯洗干净,用刀去掉皮,在将它们切成条儿。准备工作完成后,我把锅放到煤气灶上,打开阀门,然后在锅内放入一勺油,加了一点盐,就耐心地等油热了。不一会儿,锅里的油开始“滋滋”地叫了,我便小心翼翼地将薯条一根根地放在油锅中。我一边炸,一边美滋滋地想着“肯德基”里香喷喷的薯条。不料锅里的薯条竟黏成了一个大“薯饼”。我哭笑不得 ,百思不得其解。
一盘香喷喷的薯条终于端上了桌,我连忙请来爸爸、妈妈和小表哥一起来品尝我炸的薯条,一会儿,盘中的薯条便一扫而光 ,小表哥抹着油腻的嘴巴直说:“好吃,真好吃,跟快餐店的薯条没什么两样。”我听了他们的称赞,开心极了!

怎样制作炸薯条 英语作文80字

Heat the flat grill plate over a low heat, on top of 2 rings/flames if it fits, and brush sparingly with light olive oil.
Cook the sausages first. Addwww.souquanme.com the sausages to the hot grill plate/the coolest part if there is one and allow to cook slowly for about 15-20 minutes, turning occasionally, until golden. After the first 10 minutes, increase the heat to medium before beginning to cook the other ingredients. If you are struggling for space, completely cook the sausages and keep hot on a plate in the oven.
Snip a few small cuts into the fatty edge of the bacon. Place the bacon straight on to the grill plate and fry for 2-4 minutes each side or until your preferred crispiness is reached. Like the sausages, the cooked bacon can be kept hot on a plate in the oven.
For the mushrooms, brush away any dirt using a pastry brush and trim the stalk level with the mushroom top. Season with salt and pepper and drizzle over a little olive oil. Place stalk-side up on the grill plate and cook for 1-2 minutes before turning and cooking for a further 3-4 minutes. Avoid moving the mushrooms too much while cooking, as this releases the natural juices, making them soggy.
For the tomatoes, cut the tomatoes across the centre/or in half lengthways if using plum tomatoes , and with a small, sharp knife remove the green 'eye'. Season with salt and pepper and drizzle with a little olive oil. Place cut-side down on the grill plate and cook without moving for 2 minutes. Gently turn over and season again. Cook for a further 2-3 minutes until tender but still holding their shape.
For the black pudding, cut the black pudding into 3-4 slices and remove the skin. Place on the grill plate and cook for 1½-2 minutes each side until slightly crispy.
For 'proper' fried bread it's best to cook it in a separate pan. Ideally, use bread that is a couple of days old. Heat a frying pan to a medium heat and cover the base with oil. Add the bread and cowww.souquanme.comok for 2-3 minutes each side until crispy and golden. If the pan becomes too dry, add a little more oil. For a richer flavour, add a knob of butter after you turn the slice.
For the fried eggs, break the egg straight into the pan with the fried bread and leave for 30 seconds. Add a good knob of butter and lightly splash/b//www.souquanme.comaste the egg with the butter when melted. Cook to your preferred stage, season and gently remove with a fish slice.
Once all the ingredients are cooked, serve on warm plates and enjoy straight away with a good squeeze of tomato ketchup or brown sauce.
