



This only take the cat's whole body is white spots, far look, like a mass of white MianHuaDian on a few drops of ink.
Cat head, round, top a pair of sharp small ears, that big green eyes like two little lights a green light.
The//www.souquanme.com squirrel that exquisite little face with a pair of YuanLiuLiu small eyes and a small triangle of the ear. They were swiming freely, but there are a few white pattern.
Little rabbit hair white, two ears long, two eyes like ruby. Eating vegetables to three petal mouths to move the move


It is said that nian head of large and small, ten feet in length and eye if two, mobility, like "year ~" sound, so named nian. A long period of time, people gradually find nian is afraid of three things, namely, red, light, and great noise, and later the people in the New Year's eve nien gather together, when I was coming up red paper (later gradually changed to post the red couplets peach wood charms against evil or), hang red lanterns, fireworks and so on, the goal is to drive away nian. When the beast is out, people will always be happy to each other: "through annual again." Slowly, there will be a New Year's day, also appear the Chinese New Year customs。据说年兽头大身小,身长十数尺,眼若铜铃,来去如风,嗷叫时发出“年~”的声音,故名年兽。时日一久,人们渐渐发现年兽害怕三样东西,即红色、火光和巨大的响声,于是后来的人们在除夕年兽将要到来的时候就会聚到一起,帖红纸(后来逐渐改为贴桃符或贴红对联),挂红灯笼,放鞭炮等等,目的就是为了赶走年兽。当年兽被赶走以后,人们总是会高兴的互道:“又熬过一个年了。”慢慢的就有了过年的说法,也由此出现过年的习俗了。





Elephant is the largest animal on land today.


Elephant is usually grey in color, having a long trunk with large ivory tusks protruding from each side of its mouth.


The cat is playing with a live mouse.



The rabbit ears is big and long, as long as a slight voice to be heard, can stand up, "shua" deftly turning all around, looking fowww.souquanme.comr the place sound, until the sound, to return to normality.


When the rabbit was full, the three of them ran about in the sand, like little snow balls rolling.


The little cat's head was round, with a pair of pointed ears, and the big green eyes looked like two green lights.


The little cat's head was round, with a pair of pointed ears, and the big green eyes looked like two green lights.


The cat's whole body was covered with black spots, and it looked as if it were a few drops of ink on a snow-white cotton patch.


The cat had a herringbone under its nose and six white whiskers on both sides, often one at a time. A cat's beard is very hard, like a steel needle, and the energy is the size of the hole.


The little black cat's long tail wagged like a whip.


The kitten h搜趣网as a pair of bright and flexible big eyes, black and black pupils will change: in the morning, like date stones; At noon, it becomes a fine line;//www.souquanme.com At night, it turns into two green bulbs, round and shiny.


Cat get up in the morning the stretch first, and then he sat up, with two front PAWS on the tip of the tongue lick a little spittle, like people to wash the face, then use the tongue constantly licked his fur, until there is a little light.


The little dog was golden and shiny, as if it had just been polished.


This cute little poodle, the little black tail wagging like a rolling ball.


The little black dog, black and shiny, was as smooth as black satin; Little white minions, like four clubs; The pouty tail was always swinging.


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