



Charming West Lake, Hangzhou, the Four Seasons, "a paradise on earth" with an embedded shining pearl, it is搜趣网 that the West Lake.
West Lake of the Four Seasons is the United States. Spring in the West go to the flourishing of Bai Di, Sir Georg Solti on a lake view, the only sparkling lake, the waves Adventure, like precious stones such as the San Tan Chinese Restaurant embedded in the lake. Liu Si breeze from time to time your cheek, from time to time in gently over his head, shoulders Reinforced with a slight shake to organizations and the sound of distant and pleasant sound, that is how people intoxicated with it!
In the summer, the lake's West Lake, the lotus leaf, lotus hard squeeze hard squeeze. Most notably that of white jade flowers, demure, Su-jie, is "emerge 搜趣网unstained from filth." Jingying those holding lotus leaves, such as agate-like dew, and guard the arch of flowers and fat Huagu Duo, is a large picture of the artist or the beautiful landscape.
In the fall of the West Lake is one of the mature landscape. Ten shore of the sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance you really make www.souquanme.compeople to and from the lingering; the lake, the lotus leaf as the shy little girl, the lower the head, went into hiding, and waiting for them to remind people to take under Flanagan's Lotus then . At this time, Hua Zhao light of the boat, humming a ditty of leisurely, gently take the next lotus root. That only a lotus root it, Baibaipanpang, a naked truth of Doll Xiao Pang, people love. If you are from the basket, on a random selection, the bite on a clean wash, Cuisheng sheng, it has been able to taste sweet to your heart.
West Lake in winter is no exception. Although the flowers have to thank, but the lake bottom is clear, the plum blossom in full bloom is very beautiful; snow, snow-wrapped, the edge of the embankment in the cheerful children's play, laughter, the sound Xuefei, the co - Together, turned into a beautiful symphony.
Ah! West Lake! You're a bright, bright pearl you!
U.S. West
迷人的西湖四季 杭州这个“人间天堂”里镶嵌着一颗闪亮的明珠,那就是西湖。



读音:英 [leɪk]  美 [leɪk]    

n. 湖;湖泊

n. 深红色;[化]色淀

The lake was encircled by trees.



读音:英 [lɒk]   美 [lːk]  


The largest lake in Britain is the Lough Neagh in the Northern Ireland. 





读音:英 ['wɔːtə(r)] 美 ['wɔːtər]    

n. 水;海域;雨水;海水

v. 给 ... 浇水;给 ... 供水;加水稀释;充满眼泪;给...水喝

Oceania is a separate landmass, but it is separated from Asia by very shallow water.



读音:英 ['rɪvə(r)]   美 ['rɪvər]    

n. 河;江;河流;水道

Growing along the river are tall palm trees.



我的家乡在济南,那里名胜古迹众多,是个令人神往的地方,大明湖就是其中之一。My hometown is in jinan, there are lots of places of historic interests, were a fascinating place, daming lake is one of them. 湖堤边种着一棵棵垂柳,就象少女的长发随风舞动,湖水清澈见底,在阳光的照耀下,湖面金光闪闪,微风吹来,大明湖波光粼粼。The lake BianZhong the yews, like appered girl with long hair, the lake clear, dancing in the sun beamed below, the lake glittering, breeze, daming lake mirrorring. 几十条游船在湖面上慢慢的行驶,身后是一圈一圈荡漾开来的波纹。湖里的荷叶象一个个大圆盘,荷花从大圆盘之间冒出来,有的才展开两三片花瓣儿,有的花瓣儿全展开了,露出了嫩黄色的小莲蓬。有的还是花骨朵儿,看起来胀饱的马上就要破裂似的。Dozens of tourist boats on the lake slowly driving, after death is a circle a circle of ripples spread ripple. The lake of lotus leaf like a large disk, the lotus from large disk between come out, and some to launch LiangSanPian HuaBanEr, some HuaBanEr fully opened, revealing the tender small I. Some or flowers bud, look bilge full of broken soon edifice. 湖的中间有个亭子,叫“历下”亭,掩映在柳树和湖水中。The lake is among a pavilion, called "just" pavilion, set in willows water of the lake. 湖的北岸长有许多花草树木,花开了,草不甘寂寞的从土里钻出来,树木抽出了新的枝条。The north shore of lake long has many trees and flowers to blossoms, grass unwilling lonely from the earth drill out, trees drew new branches. 湖的西边是游乐场,那里的娱乐品一应俱全,搜趣网摩天轮,碰碰车,旋转木马…….是小朋友们尽情娱乐的天堂。The west lake is playground, where the amusements, replete with ferris wheel, merry-go-round, bumper car... J is the children enjoy entertainment paradise. 如果说济南是一块翡翠的话,那么大明湖就是嵌在翡翠上的一颗明珠。If the jinan is halcyon, then the daming lake is embedded in the jadeite a bright phearl on.
