



Polar bears, is also called arctic bear in the arctic grows, it is the largest predator on land. In its existent space, it is the topmost food chain. It has thick fat and hair to stay warm, its white appearance on white snow is good protective coloration, and it can on land and sea, so it can catch food in the arctic this extremely harsh climate survive.


Starving polar bears turn to cannibalism。
  New pictures show that pol搜趣网ar bears are beginning to cannibalise each other as global warming destroys its hunting grounds。
  Polarbears usually subsist on seals, which thewww.souquanme.comy hunt from a platform of seaice. But the melting of sea ice as a result of rising globaltemperatures has made it more difficult for polar bears to hunt sealsat sea, confining the bears to land。
  Drowning is also more common as bears are forced to swim further out to sea to find food。
  Theimages add to the evidence that polar bears are increasingly huntingeach other for food in their desperation to survive.Scientists say theyare aware of eight cases so far this year。
  Recentanalysis by the US Geological Survey and World Conservation Union foundthat two-thirds of the 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears in the world couldbe lost in the next 50 years as warming temperatures melt the ice。
  Withoutthe sea ice habitat, the polar bear will not survive in the long term.There are other threats, such as oil and gas drilling, shipping andtoxins, but they pale in comparison to climate change and the loss ofthe sea ice。


The polar bear is a bear native to the Arctic. Polar bears and Kodiak bears are the world's la搜趣网rgest land carnivores, with most adult males weighing 300-600 kg ; adult females are about half the size of males. Its fur is hollow and translucent, but usually appears as white or cream colored, thus providing the animal with effective camouflage. Its skin is actually black in color. Its thick blubber and fur insulate it against the cold. The bear has a short tail and small ears that help reduce heat loss, as well as搜趣网 a relatively small head and long, tapered body to streamline it for swimming.
A semi-aquatic marine mammal, the polar bear has adapted for life on a combination of land, sea, and ice, and is the apex predator within its range. It feeds mainly on seals, young walruses, and whales, although it will eat anything it can kill. It is the bear species most likely to prey on humans.
The polar bear is a vulnerable species at high risk of extinction. Scientists and climatologists believe that the projected decreases in the polar sea ice due to global warming will reduce their pwww.souquanme.comopulation by two thirds by mid-century. Local long-term studies show that 7 out of 19 subpopulations are declining or already severely reduced. In the USA, the Center for Biological Diversity petitioned to up-list the legal conservation status of polar bears to threatened species in 2005. This petition is still under review.


北极熊是世界上最大的陆地食肉动物,又名白熊。按动物学分类属哺乳纲,熊科。雄性北极熊身长大约240-260cm,体重一般为400-800公斤。北极熊的视力和听力与人类相当,但它们的嗅觉极为灵敏,是犬类的7倍,时速可达60公里,是世界百米冠军的1.5倍。 The polar bear is the world's largest land predators, also known as the arctic. According to the classification of zoology BuRuGang, XiongKe. Male polar bears length about 240-260cm, weight is commonly 400-800 kilograms. The polar bear's vision and hearing and human subjects, but their sense of smell is dogs sniff, seven times, speeds up to 60 kilometers, is the world 100 meters champion of 1.5 times.
