



Lions are the only two states a male and female cat species. The enormous size lion, the lion stands up to the public 180cm, 160cm mother also. Lion short hair, body color is light gray, yellow or tinted different is male lion has long had a long mane, a light brown mane. brown, black, and so on, the long mane has been extended to the left shoulder and chest. The longer those manes, the deeper the color guy Perhaps in the eyes of mother is tall and straight Hunks Yingwu, often attract more 'Ladies' attention. Huge lion's head, faces very broad, nasal longer Tapenkeng is black. Lion's ears rather short, round ears am (I note that the names of some people because Lane had a "lion", put the Cougar confusion and mother together. In fact alone will be able to watch from the outside distinction, mother's ears is just like the semicircle, and the Cougar ears were quite long, Ear relatively sharp. In addition, lion cat species belong to the subfamily Leopard, Cougar was cat subfamily. The difference between the two quite well. Lion forelimb more than hind legs stronger, their paw is also very wide. Lion's tail is relatively long, There terminal clu搜趣网ster dark Long Hair.
狮子 狮是唯一一种雌雄两态的猫科动物。狮的体型巨大,公狮身长可达180cm,母狮也有160cm。狮的毛发短,体色有浅灰、黄色或茶色,不同的是雄狮还长有很长的鬃毛,鬃毛有淡棕色、深棕色、黑色等等,长长的鬃毛一直延伸到肩部和胸部。那些鬃毛越长,颜色越深的家伙或许在母狮眼里是英武挺拔的帅哥,常常更能吸引‘女士们'的注意。狮的头部巨大,脸型颇宽,鼻骨较长,鼻头是黑色的。狮的耳朵比较短,耳朵很圆(我注意到有些人因为名字里都有个“狮”字,就把美洲狮和母狮搞混在一起。其实单从外观看就能有所区分,母狮的耳朵好像是个短短的半圆,而美洲狮的耳朵则比较长,耳尖也比较尖。另外,狮属于猫科动物中的豹亚科,而美洲狮则为猫亚科,两者相差颇远。狮的前肢比后肢更加强壮,它们的爪子也很宽。狮的尾巴相对较长,末端还有一簇深色长毛。


  Lions are the only//www.souquanme.com social wild cats. They live in family groups called 'prides', which are made up of as many as 12 females and their young, and up to three adult males.
  Most lions are found in Africa, but small populations still exist in north west India. They prefer habitats of grassy plains, savannah and open woodland, but can occasionally be found in areas of semi-desert.
  Lions have tawny yellow coats. Males have thick woolly manes that darken with age, so old males are sometimes called black-maned lions. The main role of male lions is to protect the pride, and their manes make them look larger to other male rivals. If a new male does join the pride he will kill all the cubs and mate with the females so he becomes the dominant male, and father of all the young.
  Lions are quite lazy creatures, and spend as much as 20 hours a day resting! Females do most of the hunting,//www.souquanme.com and often work together in groups. They usually hunt during the day and prey upon mammals like antelope and zebra. The phrase 'the lion's share' comes from the males' habit of eating before the rest of the pride.
  Lions will breed at any time of the year, and females give birth to litters of between two and six cubs. The cubs are born with spots, but they fade as they get older. Young cubs are extremely vulnerable and only 20% will survive to reach two years old.


star signs星座\r\n一年被分为12个不同的星座,你出生的日期决定了你的星座,有些人认为同一星座的人拥有相似的性格特征\r\n3月21日-4月20日 白羊座\r\n白羊座的人充满活力积极向上,不过有时候缺乏耐心。白羊座的人乐于领导,有时候别人会认为你自私。\r\n4月21日-5月21日 金牛座\r\n金牛座的人比较顽固倔强不喜欢变更,勤劳、有耐心、不轻言放弃是金牛座人的优点。\r\n5月22日-6月21日 双子座\r\n双子座的人聪明并对一切都充满好奇,他们开朗健谈,但朝令夕改。\r\n6月22日-7月22日 巨蟹座\r\n巨蟹座的人温柔和善,热爱家庭并关心他人,最爱的事情是存钱和烹饪。\r\n7月23日-8月22日 狮子座\r\n狮子座的人强壮而有自信,他们慷慨大方,喜欢给朋友买小礼物。\r\n8月23日-9月22日 室女座\r\n室女座的人谦虚审慎,但有时候过于瞻前顾后,他们实事求是,尽善尽美。\r\n9月23日-10月22日 天秤座\r\n天枰座的人具有合作精神,公平对待一切。他们举止优雅,对美丽的事物喜爱非凡。爱好和平,不喜欢与别人争吵是他们最大的性格特点。\r\n10月23日-11月21日 天蝎座\r\n天蝎座的人很有魄力,精力旺盛。他们喜欢保守秘密,虽然有时候他们记仇的性格特点愚蠢而又可笑。\r\n11月22日-12月20日 射手座\r\n射手座的人幽默风趣,主张乐享人生。他们的运气总是很好,喜欢游览不同的地方。\r\n12月23日-1月20日 摩羯座\r\n摩羯座的人努力工作,多数时候都一帆风顺。他们成绩优异,善于组织。性格方面他们不厌其烦,鲜少生气。\r\n1月20日-2月19日 水瓶座\r\n水瓶座的人聪明灵巧,善解人意。他们朋友众多,虽然他们独树一帜的性格令有些人认为他们古怪另类。他们总是尝试用创新的方式去做每一件事情。\r\n2月20日-3月20日 双鱼座\r\n双鱼座的人乐善好施,温文尔雅,稳重而又开朗。富有想象力和创造力,对一切事物充满美好浪漫的幻想。


The lion is mammal feline leopard genera, can be divided into two subspecies, African and Asian lion. The lion was distributed in except the rainforest regions outside of Africa and South Asia together around in the near east region, now except India's gill beyond other parts of Asia are lions have disappeared, north Africa will no longer wild lions, at present the lion mainly distributed in sub-saharan Africa grasslands, so now basic could be considered as Africa's speciality.
The lion is the only swarms of life, the female lion cat-like animals in his flock by different functions, lion predation. Lion weight at 120-250 kg and was 140-192 centimeters. Different from other cats lion is obviously mane, in order to fight each other rise when protecting neck role. End of the cutin is obvious characteristics of thorns. The lion still felines only can really send roaring animals can be spread to 89, roar kilometers away. The lion's eyesight is admirable, in the far distance outside can be found as prey, collective predation, speed is quick and high efficiency.
The lion is predators in the largest pterosaur an animal. It will stand, height can reach 1.2 cm. Male lion weight is 200 kg, of the lion is 130 kg. Male lion characteristics it is very strong, neck physical iguana MAO special developed. Male lion cub in two years beginning about long hair, but its prime iguana when iguana is the longest MAO.
The lio搜趣网n year-round can mating. But a group of inside the lioness is often in the same time for births. The lion was an average of 18 months to 26 nissan one foetus, it pregnancy is 100 days 119 days, or twww.souquanme.comhe four months. Every womb can produce 1 to 6 offspring, but the most common are three to four.? If a little lion is ill, his mother was a few days later can make another pregnancy mating. Little lion birth weight only 300 grams left and right sides, will say only Saturday, small. Don't open eyes, nor long hairs. Two weeks later, just opened his eyes. Three months, and is able to follow mother outdoor activities.
The lion is terminator or nocturnal animals. The lion every day of rest time is twenty to 21 hours. It each day after sunset, or prey on success, will be issued a roar. The roaring cry very loud, can spread to nine kilometers away. This roared it is to announce my full, this place is mine, I stand this place, you who are not into my this field. At the same time it still in its home range around to constant patrol, in the process of touring? Will it still left some discharge, excreta, and some urine, similar to these things. Some discharge from can emit some smell something, finished in around tags, tell others these places you don't come here. This is my site, and you don't come in.
The lion its prey various herbivore, at the same time it also eat carrion. The so-called carrion is other animals prey rotten animals or natural death, actually already rotten animals. It also eat the meat, due to the large size, strength foot, so the lion is usually predator-prey bigger color-sensitive herbivores. Usually we need more than fifty kilograms, the maximum weight it can capture 300 kilograms of animals. So wildebeest, zebra is their favorite prey animals. If the whole lions collaboration, they can also capture African buffalo and giraffes etc weight is a lion two to four times as much as the plant-eating animals, and they can be prey, so we can see the lion is very violent of an animal.
The lion main prey YouTiLei, such as: wildebeests, big antelope, zebra, sometimes also prey elephants, rhino. After satiate drink plenty of water, and then returned to the shelter killing the time.
Lions in male lion is always by other male lion challenge, so average every three years, lions in male lion will be replaced once.
