






The strain was beginning to tell on the rescue team. 


Survivors waited for the rescue boats, dazed and frightened. 


waited 等 ; 等待 ; 等候 ; 希望,盼望,期待 ; 准备妥 ; 在手边 ; 可得到 ; 可使用 ; wait的过去分词和过去式。

boats 小船 ; 汽艇 ; 舟 ; 船 ; boat的复数。

dazed 神志不清的,茫然的。

frightened 害怕的 ; 受惊的 ; 惊吓的 ; 使惊吓。


A tornado, hurricane, flood, earthquake or other disaster can tear through our communities in moments destroying homes and businesses, uprooting families and leaving behind a path of destruction and broken dreams.Disasters can strike anywhere and anytime. No matter where or when they strike, though, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers stands ready to respond. We can’t prevent disasters, but we can reduce their impact and help people and communities recover more quickly.Each year, the Corps responds to numerous Presidential Disaster declarations and state and local emergencies, including manmade and natural disasters.Although emergency preparedness, response and recovery are primarily the responsibilities of states and local communities, some disasters are too large for them to handle alone. That’s when the Corps steps in to provide assistance.In the wake of the tragic events of September 11, 2001, the Corps also has begun to play a critical role in protecting the nation’s homeland security. The Corps emergency management efforts are built on the three R’s: Readiness, Response and Recovery.
自2001 年,9.11的悲剧之后, 兵团在保卫国土安全方面,承担起重要的角色。兵团应急管理基于三个步凑: 时刻准备、及时响应,善后重建。

应急救援 英文怎么说

单位要印应急救援包 ,要应急救援的英文,或者,应急救援包的英文
应急救援:emergency rescue
应急救援:emergency rescue package


请翻译:1.在绵阳的一个援救现场,一所学校的主教学楼坍塌了大半,100多个孩子被压在搜趣网了下面。战士们在废墟中已经抢出了十几个孩子和三十多具尸体。然而就在抢救到最关键的时候,突然教学楼的废墟发生再次坍塌,再进入废墟几乎等于送死。但几个战士还是要往里钻,这时坍塌就发生了,那几个往里钻的战士马上被其他的战士死死拖住,一个战士跪了下来大哭,对拖着他的人说,“你们让我再去救一个,求求你们让我再去救一个!我还能再救一个!”2:昨日中午,平武县南坝镇。天气越来越阴沉,驻豫空降兵某团政治处主任刘猛和70名官兵正赶着为灾民搭设帐篷,“一定要在大雨之前把帐篷搭好”。时间已经过了12点,刘猛指示战士们赶快吃点干粮,这时,感人的一幕出现了。 5位村民和两个孩子手里端着碗来到队伍前。“解放军同志,喝米汤喽!歇歇吧,刚熬好的,趁热喝!这里还有我们腌的咸菜!”一个孩子对着战士们喊。 战士们心里知道,由于交通不便,灾区人民生活条件非常艰苦,哪里还有多余的粮食?一碗碗冒着热气的米汤端到战士面前,没有一个人喝。“大嫂,我们吃过了,米汤你们喝吧!”一名战士说。村民们一再相劝,但战士们执意不肯接碗。这时,一位头缠绷带的老大爷端着碗径直走到刘猛面前,双腿一弯就要跪下,刘猛和几名战士急忙把老人扶住。老人说:“要是没有你们,我这把老骨头早就埋在石头下面烂了,同志,他们听你的,你就先喝一口吧!” 在场的战士扭过头不忍看下去,眼泪不住地在眼眶里打转。 “好,喝!”刘猛端起老人手中的碗,轻轻地抿了一口,然后传给了值班排长,排长喝了一口,又把碗递给一名战士。碗在战士们手中传递着,如同传递着灾区人民对解放军滚烫的感恩之心。 3个小时之后,帐篷全部搭设完毕,这支队伍集合之后悄悄地撤走了。战士们瘪瘪的挎包在腰间随风飘动,里面的干粮却不知去向。 下午5点//www.souquanme.com,当群众搬进帐篷后发现,地上整整齐齐地放着榨菜、火腿肠、方便面等食物。 初二水平
这是我们所有的中国人都应该做到的。在2008年的5月18号,中央电视台赈灾晚会现场募捐15亿多 ,感动了所有的中国人。同时,为表达全国各族人民对四川汶川大地震遇难同胞的深切哀悼,国务院决定,2008年5月19日至21日为全国哀悼日。在此期间,全国和各驻外机构下半旗志哀,停止公共娱乐活动,外交部和我国驻外使领馆设立吊唁簿。5月19日14时28分起,全国人民默哀3分钟,届时汽车、火车、舰船鸣笛,防空警报鸣响。
In at 14:28 on May 12, 2008, occurred in Sichuan Province's earthquake 8, the National most significantly felt in the region, the epicenter at Wenchuan County in Aba, the earthquake caused serious loss of life and property. At this
Moment, all the Chinese people are shocked, in the blink of an eye caused an immeasurable lo搜趣网ss.
I have been advocating for, in order to help our compatriots in Sichuan Province, gave you a love, add up, that is, a lot of love.
At this moment, the Chinese people to test our time has come to is that we play the fine traditions of Chinese people is time, and it is our soul of the Chinese people in China. In order to earthquake orphans who lost their parents; to earthquake
Lost the students on campus; earthquake to the fellow who lost their homes; to have lost loved ones in the earthquake affected areas of the fellow. Extend our helping hand, condensation of the strength of the Chinese people, make a non-catalytic
Remnant of the Great Wall.
Although their homes collapsed in the earthquake came, but we will not collapse. Undaunted by repeated setbacks, these concerted efforts, earthquake resistance and disaster relief. .
The good old saying "there is not one, P Plus support", which is inherited from the older generation of our heritage, we must do a better job than them, under the guidance of socialism, under the correct leadersh搜趣网ip of the Communist Party, we must
Will overcome the disaster. But then we need to our Chinese people, need your love, no matter your way through the kind assistance of our suffering fellow Sichuan disaster, if you have the heart, is our older generation
Future generations the best; as long as you have the heart, no matter how much you donate, that is, to our fellow citizens died condolences to the best; as long as you have the heart of our fellow citizens will be the含笑九泉.
This is what we all Chinese people should do. 2008 May 18, CCTV-site disaster relief fund-raising event more than 1.5 billion, moved all the Chinese people. At the same time, people of all ethnic groups to express the four earthquake victims compatriots川汶川the deep condolences of the State Council decided in 2008, May 19-21 as a national day of mourning. In the meantime, national and foreign institutions at half mast in mourning, and stop public recreational activities, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and our embassies and consulates in the condolence book set up. At 14:28 on May 19, the National People's three minutes of silence, when cars, trains, ships whistle, air-raid siren sounded.
This is the Chinese people has always been one of the largest, nation, one heart and one mind, all the people in mourning the victims of the earthquake!
So I hope the Chinese people to unite and earthquake relief, gave you a love, if you are Chinese, if you are Chinese with a conscience.
