用bore简单造句(用bore sb with 造句)


用bore简单造句(用bore sb with 造句)

用bore sb with 造句

You all //www.souquanme.comknow the facts of the case, so I needs't bore you with the retelling.
So I could write a book on Thailand, but I won't bore you with every last detail.

a bore all造句

a bore all造句
a bore all造句:
It's such a bore to have to write this out all over again.


werewas borebecamebeganblewbrokebroughtbuiltburntburnedboughtcouldcaughtchosecamecostdiddrewdreamtdrankdroveatefellfedfeltfoughtfoundfittedflewforgotgotgavewentgrewhadheardheldhurtkeptknewlearntlearnedleftlentletlaylitlostmademightmeantmetmistookpaidputreadrebuiltroderangransaidsawsoldsentsetshouldshoneshinedsangsatsleptspentspreadstoodsweptswamtooktaughttoldthoughtthrewwokeworewouldwonwrote每个单词造一句``谢谢``!!
Our teacher was hurt because we were so careless.
Last year,Mary bore her son and became the oldest mother.
When Lily was 6 months old,he began to talk.
Your mouth is below your nose.
If you brought snack to school,you will broke the rule.
The museum was burntRyIKbRwh before it was built up.
She bought a computer since she could earn money herself.
Please chose the right answer.
It cost me 3 dollars before I came here.
She drew a beautiful picture and so did Mr Li.
He dreamt that he drank some bad water.
We drove to a restaurant and ate lunch there.
I fell ill.
Thank you that you fed my dog.
I felt well that day.
He always fought with his brother before.
I found the lost bag.
The dog is fitted to the tree.
He first flew when he was 5.
I used to forgot things.
My mother gave all her love to me.
When he was 5,he went to school.
I grew up in China.
I had lunch just now.
Louder please so that you can be heard
Sydney held the 27th olympics.
You hurt my heart.
He learned piano himself.
You always left the light on.
If you had lent the book to me,it would not be lost.
Let me answer this question.
Fat hens lay few eggs.
We lit the candle and the candle lit the room.
Is it lost?
Any special made?
You might find them pretty strong.
That was meant to be a dig at me.
I met the teacher.
The switchman mistook the slow train for the express train.
Attention is paid to .
What put inside?
Please read them.
The houses that have fallen away will be rebuilt.
We rode into the midst of the forest.
She rang for the cook.
Who ran quickest?
Whoever said so?
I only saw Mary, ie I saw Mary and no one else.
I sold him my car.
That gorgeous girl sent him.
Nice set up!
I should worry!
A lonely star shone out against the black sky.
Have you shined your shoes?
She sang out when she heard the good news.
We sat on the terrace in the evening.
We slept under the blue blanket last night.
He spent a white night.
We spread lime where the soil was sour.
We knew they stood in need of funds.
You may at least have swept the floor.
They swam in the nude.
Pneumonia took the child.
Science has taught u搜趣网s how atom is made up.
Who told you?
Perish the thought!
He threw me an angry look.
I woke up and knew I had to follow.
The drug wore off.
Would you agree?
Which side won?
He wrote and wrote until he was fit to drop.

用bear 的过去式英语造句

He bore much of the responsibility at that time 他那时承受了很大的责任
He bore all the cost 他负担了所有的费用
提醒一下,出生只能用 was born ,I 搜趣网bore in 21st这句话是不对的


形容词 a.
名词 n.
形容词 a.
It was boring to sit there without anything to do.
adj. 令人激恼的, 烦人的, 易怒的
Its rise will be far more nettlesome than that of his own country a century ago.
adj. 烦人的
