Tony Blair has largely delivered on the resources where it is within his power to do so but recommendations that depend on others are proving elusive.这句话前面主句部分我能看懂,关键是后面状语从句后面还有一个从句ylVySBOLr.... 单词我都认识.....各位大大能不能帮忙解释下....顺便翻译下中文.... 万分感谢....托尼.布莱尔在他的权力范围内所做的关于资源方面的大量承诺,但是根据别人所提供的介绍还是捉磨不定的。
Jane begin to think again about the same thoughts which she had fallen asleep to.最后的to是怎么回事?fal//www.souquanme.coml asleep to sth是一个词组 ,其实这个句子是, Jane begin to think again about the same thoughts .
she had fallen asleep to the same thoughts.
因为是从句,所以把which 提前,然后to还是要搜趣网保留
she had fallen asleep to the same thoughts.
因为是从句,所以把which 提前,然后to还是要搜趣网保留
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