



nose n. 鼻子, 突出部分, 嗅觉 v. 嗅,嗅到
foot n. 脚,山脚,最底部, 一步长,音步,进程 vi. 跳舞,步行 vt. 表演舞步,付账, 踩踏, 结算
feet n. foot的复数
face n. 脸, 神情, 面子, 表面 vt. 面对, 朝 vi. 朝, 向
leg n. 腿, 支柱, 裤脚管 vi. 用脚走路
arm n. 手臂, 港湾, 狭长地带, 扶手, 袖子, 枪 vt. 装备, 准备(炸弹) vi. 武装自己
cat n. 猫,猫科动物,邪恶的女人,吊锚机,单帆小船 vt. 吊锚 vi. 寻找性交伴侣 (CAT) 电子计算机横断层扫描
bird n. 鸟,家禽,陶土飞靶,伙伴 vi. 观察或辨认鸟
rabbit n. 兔子 vi. 猎兔 vt. 让...见鬼去吧,该死
dog n. 狗,卑鄙的人 vt. 尾随,跟踪
chicken n. 鸡,鸡肉,胆小,懦夫 adj. 懦弱的,胆小的
duck n. 鸭,鸭肉,板球零分 vt. 把…按入水中,低头弯身(以免被打中或看见),躲避 vi. 迅速行进,飞快行走(以免被看见),推委责任
monkey n. 猴子 v. 胡闹, 乱弄
tiger n. 老虎
panda n. 熊猫
elephant n. 大象, 庞大笨拙难处理的事物
fish n. 鱼,鱼肉 v. 钓鱼,捕鱼
one n. 一, 第一个, 一美元纸币 adj. 单一的, 某一个, 同一种类的, 同意的, 唯一的 pron. 某人, 任何人
two num. 二,两个
three num. 三 pron.&adj. 三(个,只...)
four num. 四 pron.&adj. 四(个,只...)
five num. 五 pron.&adj. 五(个,只...)
six n.六;六个;六岁;六点 num.六;六个
seven num. 七
eight num. 八 pron. 八(个,只...)
nine num.&n. 九 pron.&adv. 九(个,只...)
ten num. 十, 十个
red adj. 红色的 n. 红色


Review of Unit 1-6
I. language goals (语言目标)
1. Talk about how often you do things 谈论做事情的频率。
2. Talk about your health. Make suggestions.
3. Talk about future plans.
4. Talk about how to get to places.
5. Learn to make invitations, say yes to invitations and say no to invitations and give reasons.
6. Learn to talk about personal traits and how to compare people.
II. Key Phrases (重点短语):
1. how often 多长时间一次
2. junk food 垃圾食品
3. a lot o搜趣网f 许多
4. hardly ever 很少
5. start with 以…开始
6. try to 搜趣网do sth. 试着去做某事
7. look after 照料
8. be kind of unhealthy 有点不健康
9. once a day 一天一次
10. twice a month 一个月两次
11. be good for 对…有好处
12. once in a while 偶尔
13. see a doctor / dentist 看病/看牙医
14. get a cold / fever 感冒/发烧
15. have a stomachache 肚子疼
16. have a toothache 牙疼
17. have a sore throat 嗓子疼
18. lie down and rest 躺下休息
19. drink hot tea with honey 喝加蜂蜜的热茶
20. be stressed out 紧张
21. listen to … 听…
22. get tired 变的疲劳
23. keep healthy 保持健康
24. at the moment 此刻;目前
25. watch TV 看电视
26. play basketball 打篮球
27. babysit her sister 照看她的妹妹
28. visit my friend 拜访我的朋友
29. relax at home 在家放松
30. sports camp 运动野营
31. something interesting
32. go hiking / camping / fishing / shopping / sightseeing
33. go away 离开
34. get back to school 返回学校
35. stay for a week 呆一个星期
36. go bike riding 骑自行车兜风
37. takes walks 散步
38. rent videos 租录像带
39. sleep a lot 睡得多
40. think about 考虑
41. take the subway / bus / boat / plane
42. get to 到达
43. go by bus / plane / boat 乘公共车/飞机/小船
44. train / subway / bus station 火车/地铁/公共车站
45. bus ride 乘公共车的旅行
46. ride a bike 骑自行车
47. bus stop 公共汽车站
48. on foot 步行
49. leave for 离开去…
50. school bus 学校班车
51. the early bus 早班车
52. be different from 与…不同
53. half past six 六点半
54. in North America 在北美洲
55. a quick breakfast 快捷的早餐
56. need to do 需要做…
57. more than 多于
58. play soccer 踢足球
59. baseball game 棒球比www.souquanme.com
60. school team 校队
61. come over to 过来到…
62. the day after tomorrow 后天
63. be good at 擅长于…
64. two years ago 两年前
65. be outgoing 外向的
66. all the time 一直
67. in some ways 在一些方面
68. look the same 看起来一样
69. talk to everyone 与大家谈话
70. make me laugh 使我笑
III. Key Sentence Structures 重要句型:
Unit 1:
1. -What do you usually do on weekends?
-I usually go to the movies.
2. -What does he sometimes do on weekends?
-He sometimes surfs the Internet.
3. How often do you exercise?
I exercise once a week.
4. How often does she eat vegetables?
She eats vegetables three times a day.
5. Most of the students go to the beach every year.
6. It makes a big difference to my grades.
7. My eating habits are pretty good.
Unit 2:
1. What’s the matter?
What’s wrong?
What’s the trouble?
2. I’m no搜趣网t feeling well. I have a cold / fever/ stomachache / sore throat.
/I have a lot of headaches.
3. Maybe you should see the doctor / dentist.
You should drink some hot tea with honey.
4. You shouldn’t eat anything for 24 hours.
5. Don’t get stressed out. It will make you sick.
6. I’m sorry to hear that you are not feeling well.
Unit 3
1. -What is she doing for vacation?
-She is babysitting her little sister.
-That sounds nice / interesting.
2. -When are you going?
-I’m going on Monday.
3. -Where are they going?
-They are going to Tibet.
4. -Who is she going with?
-She is going with her parents.
5. -How long is he staying.
-He is staying for a week.
6. -How is the weather there?
-I’m hoping the weather will be nice.
7. He is leaving for Hong Kong the first week in June.
8. Have a good time.
Unit 4:
1. -How do you get to school?
-I get to school by bus.
2. -How does he go to work?
-He usually walks to school.
3. -How long does it take?
-It takes about twenty minutes.
4. -How far is it from his home to school?
-It’s three miles.
5. What do you think of the transportation in your town?
Unit 5:
1. -Can you come to my party on Wednesday?
-Sure, I’d love to. / I’m sorry, I have to have a piano lesson.
2. -Can she go to the movies on Saturday?
-No, she can’t. She has to help her mom.
3. -Can you go to the concert on Monday?
-When is it?
-It’s at four o’clock on Friday.
4. Thanks a lot for the invitation.
5. I’m going to study for a test this evening.
6. What’s the date today?
She used to be a Chinese teacher. 她过去是一位汉语老师。
[用法] used to + 动词原形,表示过去经常性的动作或存在的状态,含有现在不再如此之意。
1. so+谓语+主语:…也一样. 谓语:be动词/助动词/情态动词
2. so+主语+谓语:的确如此,真的这样.
3. help yourself/yurselves to...请随便吃点...
4. 发现sb做sth : find sb doing sth
5. 不完全同意I don’t really agree.
完全不同意I really don’t agree.
6. 或者..或者...either…or…..就近原则
7. 看起来,似乎It seems/seemed that…..
8. 由于...而闻名be famous for….


1.“开”“ 关”自有度:
【辨析】turn on,turn off,turn up,turn down
turn on意为“(把水源、煤气、电源等)打开”,其反义词组为turn off;
turn down意为“(把收音机的音量、灯等)关小、调低”,其反义词组为turn up。这些短语中on,off,up,down均为副词,后接宾语是代词时,应位于它们的前面。例如:
Please turn off /on the radio.请把收音机关上(打开)。
The radio is very loud.Can you turn it down a little,please?
She sat down and turned up the radio.她坐来下,把收音机开大。搜趣网
You must turn off the light when you leave the classroom.(记住了!)
Turn up(找到):Don't worry; something will turn up.
Turn down(被向下折转, 拒绝):
Do you think I should turn down his offer? 你认为我应该拒绝他的报价吗?
She is walking in the room.她正在房间里踱来踱去。
She walked into the room.她走进了房间。
③在put, throw, break, lay, fall等动态较强的动词之后,既可以用in,也可以用into,这时in也表示动态,常含有into的意思。例如:
He put all the books in/into the bag.他把所有的书都放进书包里。
④In可以作副词,into不可。例如:Come in! 进来!
take turns意思是“轮流,依次,turn在此处作名词,意思是“顺序”。由turn构成的短语还有:by turns(轮流,交替);in turn(依次,逐一)。
1)There were twelve of us in the boat and we rowed by turns.
She went hot and cold by turns. 她时冷时热。
2)We went in turn to be examined by the doctor. 我们逐一进来让医生检查。
Theory derives from practice and in turn serves practice.
3)The three brothers will take turns to look after their sick mother.
从例句中不难看出by turns为介词短语,作状语使用.意思是"轮流","一阵(时)…一阵(时)…;in turn也是一个介词短语,用作状语.意思是"一个接一个地",“又(对别人或物)做同样的事";而take turns是一个短语动词,在句子中多做谓语.意思是"轮流(做某事)".

(1 like 做动词时,无进行时态,意为“喜欢”,其用法如下:
like sb./sth. 喜欢某人/某物
like to do sth “(偶尔或具体一次)想做什么事情”
like doing sth则是“(经常或习惯性)喜欢做什么事情”
  Today I would like to watch a movie.今天我想去看电影。
  When I am free, I like seeing films.
题例:I like­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______, but I don't like ________ right now.
A.singing, to sing B.to sing, singing
C.singing,singing D.to sing,to sing (答案选:A)
(2)like还可以做介词,意为“像……;与……一样”,且常与look或 be连用,look like“看起来像”用来指相貌,be like“像”常用来 指性格或相貌。
(3)like动词形式的反义词是dislike(不喜欢);like介词形式的反义词 是unlike(不像)。
Need he bring his laptop tomorrow? 明天他必须带他的笔记本过来吗?
Come on, you needn't worry about it becuse it's not your fault.
She needn't have arrived so early, need she?
-- Must I leave? 我必须离开吗?
-- No, you needn't. 不,你不必离开。
①need + something 需要某物
例:I need some fruits to eat. 我需要些水果来吃。
②need to do something 需要做某事
例:You don't need to have the bike repaired right away.
③need doing = need to be done 需要……(表示被动)
例:The room needs cleaning = The room needs to be cleaned.
④need somebody to do something 需要某人做某事
例:I need someone to help me out of this problem.
①(There's) no need to do something 没必要做某事
例:There's no need to cover such a long distance.
There's no need for me to break the window because I have the key. 我没必要打破窗户因为我有钥匙。
No need to run since we're not pressed for time.
也可以单独使用:There's no need. 意思是“没有必要”。
②in (great) need of (非常)需要
例:The rescue team is in great need of medicine.
③if need be 如果需要的话
例:If need be, I'm going to do you a favor. 如果需要的话我会帮你的。
A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难之交才是真朋友。
