五年级上册英语单词造句器(小学五年级上册 英语单词造句)


五年级上册英语单词造句器(小学五年级上册 英语单词造句)

小学五年级上册 英语单词造句

用 has 造句用 have 造句


1、I don’t have them.



3、Memory is a wonderful thing if you don’t have to deal with the past.


4、 I just miss once , but forget that we have not had their own.


5、I miss you so much already and I haven’t even left yet!



1、My husband has several shirts of different colors.我丈夫有好几件颜色不同的衬衫。

2、Listening to the music has a calming influence on her.听音乐对她起了一种镇静的作用。

3、He has fooled a lot of people into believing he is a rich man.他骗了许多人,让人相信他是个富翁。

4、Dictionary-making has not been his exclusive employment.编字典一直都不是他唯一的工作。

5、He has a deep-seated resentment at the way he has been treated.他因受到如此对待而深怀怨恨。


一个单词造一句,句子要写中文,最好是查字典的,不要用翻译软件来乱翻译。(翻译软件都翻译错的) 一下是单词(单词/中文): ton吨 bone骨 cheetah猎豹 kilometer公里 crocodile鳄鱼 shark鲨鱼 eagle鹰 prefer更喜欢 inside在里面 pizza比萨饼 Hamburg汉堡包 full饱的 peach桃子 Chinese cabbage白菜 shall将 restaurant饭店 famous出名的 pork猪肉 sea food海鲜 menu菜单 strange奇怪的 again再来一次 different不同的 kind种类 important重要的 cereal谷类食品 agree with同意 Queen皇后 western西方的 weather天气 wet湿的 windy有风的 put on穿上;戴上 yesterday昨天 sunny阳光充足的 raincoat雨衣 umbrella雨伞 Bye再见 snowy滑雪 warm暖和的 前2位合格者均评为5星星答案。
ton: They have got tons of money. 他们腰缠万贯。 bone: I give my dog a bone. 我给了我的狗一根骨头。 cheetah: Cheetah is a very dangerous animal. 猎豹是一种很危险的动物。 kilometer: The distance from my home to school is about 10 kilometers. 从我家到学校大概有10公里。 crocodile: We can not believe crocodile's tears. 我们不能相信鳄鱼的眼泪。 shark: Sharks have sharp tooth. 鲨鱼拥有锋利的牙齿。 Eagles have sharp eyes. 鹰拥有锐利的眼神。 I prefer milk than tea. 比起茶,我更喜欢牛奶。 The//www.souquanme.comre must be something inside the box. 箱子里面一定有什么东西。 Is there any pizza left ? 还有比萨饼吗? Most children like han搜趣网burg. 大多数孩子都喜欢汉堡包。 I am full. 我吃饱了。 UOKavXE Monkeys like peach。猴子喜欢桃子。 Chinese cabbage is very cheap. 白菜很便宜。 Shall we go to park tomorrow? 我们明天去公园好吗? There are so many restaurants there. 那里有许多饭店。 This is our most famouse dish. 这是我们最出名的菜肴。 I do not like pork. 我不喜欢吃猪肉。 I like sea food. 我喜欢吃海鲜。 Please send me a menu. 请给我一份菜单。 It is so strange. 这太奇怪了。 Would you speak again? 你可以再说一次吗? Different people have different hobbies. 不同的人爱好不同。 We have many different kinds of food. 我们有很多不同种类的食物。 It is important to take care when you cross roa搜趣网d. 当你过马路时,小心一点是很重要的。 Do you know any cereal? 你知道哪些各类食物吗? I can't agree with you. 我不同意你的说法。 EUOKavXEvery queen is very beautiful. 每一位皇后都很美丽。 Western culture is different from Eastern culture. 西方文化与东方文化不同。 What's the weather like tomorrow? 明天天气怎样? Your clothes is wet. 你的衣服湿了。 Tomorrow is windy. 明天有风。 Put on this clean clothes. 穿上这身干净衣服。 I didn't go to school yesterday. 我昨天没去上学。 Tomorrow will be a sunny day. 明天将是晴朗的一天。 Please take this umbrella. 请带上雨伞。 My raincoat is very old. 我的雨衣很旧了。 When we leave, we say "bye". 当我们离开的时候,我们说再见。 Today is a good day to snowy. 今天是个滑雪的好日子。 Please stay in the warm house. 请呆在暖和的屋子里。


Here yuo are. But you mustn`t come home after a quarter past eleven. Do you hear?


