



I don't pretend to know.   我不想假装知道答案。


1.pretend+that 从句
She pretends that she likes them so that she can get their help.
2.pretend+to do
The young actor pretended to be Hamlet.


pretend to be doing 是强调不定式的动作正在进行的过程中. pretend to do是强调假装要做某事,而不一定正在进行或者是已经发生. 还有一种完成式pretend to have done 强调假装后面的动作已经完成. pretend to be reading就表示他假装正在读书 pretend to sleep 表示他要去睡觉 pretend vt. 假装, 装扮, (作为藉口或理由)伪称 To give a false appearance of; feign: 伪装:显示一副假面貌;伪装: “You had to pretend conformity while privately pursuing搜趣网 high and dangerous nonconformism”(Anthony Burgess) “当你私下里追求崇高而又危险的新教教义时,你仍得假装信奉国教”(安东尼伯吉斯) To claim or allege insincerely or falsely; profess: 假称:不诚实地或虚假地要求或宣称;自称: doesn't pretend to be an expert. 不要伪称是个专家 To represent fictitiously in play; make believe: 装扮:在戏剧中虚构地扮演;使相信: pretended they were on a cruise. 他们假装在海上巡逻 To take upon oneself; venture: 大胆冒昧地做:使自己承担义务;冒险干某事: I cannot pretend to say that you are wrong. 我不敢说你是错误的 v.intr.(不及物动词) To feign an action or a character, as in play. 扮演:假扮某种行为或某个角色,如在戏剧中假扮 To put forward a claim. 自称:提出要求 To make pretensions: 假装,矫作: pretends to gourmet tastes. 自命有美食家的品味 adj.Informal (形容词)【非正式用语】 Imitation; make-believe: 模仿的;仿制的: pretend money; pretend pearls. 伪币;假珍珠 Middle English pretenden 中古英语 pretenden from Old French pretendre 源自 古法语 pretendre from Latin praetendere 源自 拉丁语 praetendere prae- [pre-] prae- [前缀,表“在…之前”] tendere [to extend] * see ten- tendere [延伸,延长] *参见 ten- pretend, assume, affect, simulate, feign, fake, counterfeit These verbs all mean to take on a false or misleading appearance. 这些动词都指采用虚伪的或误导的表象。 Pretend often suggests a vain or transparent attempt to fool or deceive: Pretend 经常暗示一种徒劳地或明显地去愚弄或欺骗: “My bedmate pretended to be asleep” (George W. Cable). “我的枕边人假装睡着了” (乔治W凯布尔)。 Assume may—but does not necessarily—connote dishonesty, insincerity, or trickery: Assume 有可能——但是并不必然地——意味着不诚实,不诚心或欺骗: “Assume a virtue, if you have it not” (Shakespeare). “假如你没有美德的话,那就假装你有美德” (莎士比亚)。 I assumed an air of confidence that I was far from feeling. 在我远远感受不到自信时,我显示出一副自信的神气。 Affect suggests an effort to give the appearance of something either out of personal preference or to make an impression: Affect 暗示了一种出于个人喜好或想要留下好印象而有意显示出某种神态的努力: “He affects the disd//www.souquanme.comainful petulance of a rock star” (Annalyn Swan). “他假装出摇滚明星般倔傲的任性” (阿那林斯旺)。 Simulate emphasizes the assumption of an appearance or a form that closely resembles reality: Simulate 强调外表的假装或近似现实的形式: “A . . . verdant sc//www.souquanme.comum upon the surface of deep pools simulated the turf that had been removed” (John Lothrop Motley). The remaining terms—feign, fake, and counterfeit —all imply at least a measure of deliberate sham. “深潭表面上青绿的浮藻给人一种假象,好象草地被转移了” (约翰洛恩罗普莫特利)。剩下的几个词如feign,fake 和 counterfeit 都暗示有某种程度的虚假。 Feign suggests false representation or fictitious fabrication: Feign 指错误的表现或人为的制造: The child feigned a look of innocence when his mother asked who had eaten the cake. 当他妈妈问谁吃了蛋糕时,那个小孩装出无辜的表情 Fake implies fraudulent simulation: Fake 指欺骗性的伪装和冒充: He faked an interest in my work. 他假装对我的工作感兴趣。 Counterfeit denotes a close imitation that can often pass for an original: Counterfeit 暗指几乎可以假乱真的很相近的模仿: “Full well they laughed with counterfeited glee” (Oliver Goldsmith). “他们搜趣网带着伪装得极好的喜悦大笑” (奥利弗哥尔德史密斯

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