wouldyoumindsb造句(Would you mind 的用法和句型 例句加翻译)


wouldyoumindsb造句(Would you mind 的用法和句型 例句加翻译)

would you mind 造句

Would you mind my opening the window?
3. Would you mind if 搜趣网I smoke here?
4. Would you mind helping me? ie Would you please help me?
5. Would you mind taking your foot off my hand?
6. Oh, would you mind? I hate to be a bother.
7. Please forgive me, but would you mind repeating your name?
8. It's very close in hwww.souquanme.comere. Would you mind opening the window?

“would you mind...........'造句

Wo//www.souquanme.comuld you mind my smoking?你介意我抽烟吗?
Would you mind my opening the window?你介意我打开窗户吗?
Would you mind answering a few personal questions? 你介意不介意回答一些个人问题呢?
would you mind lending me your car tonight?你介不介意今晚把你的车借给我用一下呢?
Would you mind making a little less noise?请不要弄出这么大的声音来,好吗?
Would you mind expla搜趣网ining a bit more specifically?请你解释得更详细一点好吧吗?
Would you mind if I went home early? 要是我早一点回家,你不反对吗?
Would you mind copywww.souquanme.coming out this paragraph, please?请您把这一段全部抄下来,行吗?

用would you mind造句,两句

Would you mind turning off the light in the room?
Would you mind not standing in front of me?
