



1. 上周末你干了什么?我踢足球了。2. 你的周末过得怎样?很好。3. 我过了个忙碌的周末。4. 该回家了。5. 他没有狗也没有家。6.搜趣网 他什么事也不想做。7. 吉姆昨天做什么了?他去看电影了。8. 他坐下来看着汪汪和一只友好的黑猫玩。9. 你的朋友杰克怎么样?
1. 上周末你干了什么?
1. What did you do last weekend?
I play football.
2. 你的周末过得怎样?
2. How was your weekend?
Very good.
3. 我过了个忙碌的周末。
3. I had a very busy weekend.
4. 该回家了。
4. The home.
5. 他没有狗也没有家。
5. He has no d//www.souquanme.comogs have no home.
6. 他什么事也不想做。
6VxmUzk. He did not want to do anything.
7. 吉姆昨天做什么了?
7. Jim do yesterday?
He went to see the movie.
8. 他坐下来看着汪汪和一只友好的黑猫玩。
8. He sat down and watched wang wang and play with a friendly black cat.
9. 你的朋友杰克怎么样?
9. Your friend jack?


1. 他在做什么? 他在看书。2搜趣网. 你想什么时候去?我们6点去吧。3. 他在等谁?4. 他们在讨论什么?5. 谢谢你的信与照片。6. 这些是我的照片。7. 这是一张我全家的照片。8. 我和吉娜在一起。9. 他在哪里游泳?在泳池。10. 他们在哪里购物?他们在超市购物。11. 在下一幅照片中,你能看到我们一家人在家的情况。
What is he doing?He is reading a book.
What time would you like to ge?Let us set out at 6 a.m.
Who is he waiting for?
What are they discussing?
Thwww.souquanme.comanks for your letters and photos.
These are my photos.
This is a photo of my family.
Gina and I are together.
Where are they swimming? In the swimming pool.
Where are they shopping? In the supermarket.
In the following picture,you can see the situation of my family at home.


1、请用friendly, kind, clever, foolish造句(每个单词造一句话),请用与下个例句相同的句式Eg:It’s nice of you to decorate the house for me.2、请用系动词:look, sound, taste, smell, feel, become, turn, get造句(每个单词造一句话)
It's friendly of you to tell me the truth.
It's kind of you to help the poor .
It's clever of you to finish this math test in so short time.
It's foolish of you to make so many mistakes again.
The singer looks cool.
The music sounds beautiful.
The dumplings taste delicious.
The flowers smell nice.
This kind of cloth feels soft.
In winter,the weather becomes cold.
In autumn,the leaves turn yellow.
I must go home now.It's getting dark.
