



I start to do my homework.
I start drawing a picture.
start作为动词的两种用法:start to do sth. start doing搜趣网 sth.

Start sth造句

用Start sth.句型造三个句子
I start the game.我开始了这个游戏。
It starts the film .电影开始了。
i start my new life.我开始了新生命。

start造句 物体主语

当动词start的主语为物时,应该用start to do sth.而不能用start doing sth.但书上出现了这样一句话: it started raining.天开始下雨了.这个主语不是物吗?为什么用了第二种句式?
start to do 和start doing 最主要的区别是 一个是开始做某事,但是只是有可能并没有一定去做了,而start doing 表示//www.souquanme.com开始已经在做某事了
天开始下雨了,是已经下了 所以用doing

用start 动词ing造句

要想用start doing sth造句,必须明白是什么情况下使用。这个句型表示主语主动开始做某事。例如:When we got to the top of the mountain, we started planting trees.

用start to do sth造句(10句)

There is a lot of room for creativity in all of this, but they have little chance of developing a complete product, from start to finish, without using other software for key features.


That is, like some of their course assignments, they come up with the idea, design it, implement it, and test it -- everything, from start to finish, all by themselves, or with a few friends. 


But, can you see that as you get really close together the negative electronic cloud surrounding the two ions start to sense one another.


When I am facing a lot of pressure at work, my back and neck will start to hurt.

They say we should drink water even before we start to feel like we need something to drink.

But it also has to be careful, or people could start to worry about an invasion of privacy.

"So at that time I think the public in Bangkok feel that, or start to wonder, what is their real demand?" 

Also,the break will start to repair itself, so you want to make sure// the bone is lined up correctly.

They start to fall in love. But after he recovers, the girlfriend who left him when he got hurt tries to win him back. 

So now what we're going to do is start to extract what these things mean.

