therewasno造句子分别写5句话(there is no造句简单)


therewasno造句子分别写5句话(there is no造句简单)

there is no造句简单

there is n搜趣网o ving造句 there is no telling what would happen. there is no accounting to tastes. 请再给我几个这样的句子,
1 There's no point in worrying about it.
2.You don't take advice so there is no point in asking for it.


请用Therewas |were【not】…写几个句子来描述一下,你的家乡过去是什么样子 用英语谢谢咯
There were not so many roads there were many old houses and it was dirty and poor。

用There be 句型造5个句子

There be句型造句如下:

1、There are some sharks.


2、There are lots of people who can actually help you.


3、There are many people on the street t//www.souquanme.comhese days.


4、There are so much homework to do that i can not go to bed early.


5、There is so much housework to do.


There was,There were造句,急急急!!!

There was a river in the village ten years ago十年前村里有一条河。
There was nobody there. 没有人在那。 .
There was a bridge there then.那时候那里有一座桥。
There was a girl sitting there.有个女孩坐在那里。
There was a dog sleeping under the old tree y//www.souquanme.comesterday。昨天有一条狗在老树下睡觉。
There were fifty students studying inthe classroom yesterday 。昨天教室里有五十个学生在学习。
There were some fifteen people 大概有十五人。
There were three bedrooms there.那儿有三间卧室。
there were many people in the rest room 休息室里有很多人。
There were a lot of children playing in the yard last night 昨晚有许多小孩在院子里玩。

用there was/were no...,ther搜趣网e is/are...句型造句 我很急快点谢谢

用there was/were no...,there is/are...句型造句我很急快点谢谢啦么么哒没钱了只能给这么多了抱歉
there are some beautiful girls in the classroom.
there is much work for us to do.
there were no buldings around the mountian.
there was a bird standing on the trees.
