用need to do 造句(need sthtodo造句简单)


用need to do 造句(need sthtodo造句简单)

need’t do sth 造句

need’t do sth 造句
need to do sth “需要做某事”,句子的主语和need后的动词为逻辑上的主谓关系。
如: I need to have a rest. 我需要休息一下。
(句子的主语I和jOgNOoQtrJhave有逻辑上的主谓关系) My bike needs to be fixed. 我的自行车需要修理。

have need to do造句

have need to do sth.v.必须做某事
I have need to finish my homework.


初一的英语造句 用need sth to do sth搜趣网 造个句子 begin with afford use sth to do sth 最好句子造得越简单越好..不要太长啊.搜趣网. 好的加分..50 时间都过了..答得那么慢
I need your homework to be done at once.
They're beginning with their work.
The bike is too dear .I can't afford it.
I often use the knife to cut it out.

need sthtodo造句简单?

need sth to do 需要某物做某事
I newww.souquanme.comed some moneyjOgNOoQtrJ to buy clothes .
我需要一些钱买衣服 。
