


make 用于被动语态的用法



he insisted that he drive home after getting drunk last night,which made hime caught and fined by police.第一个问题是:made加被动语态不是应该还原成made sb to do吗?为什么这里不用呢?第二个问题是:这句中insist引导的从句是不是虚拟语气从句,麻烦详细解释一下。感谢!
这儿不是him的被动,是make使某人被。。。的用法,make sb. done,这儿是主动态
insist在表示“坚持认为”时,用法为insist that sb. (should) do sth.

make+名词/代词+动词原形造句 made的被动语态 各造两个句子

1 主动:He often makes me laugh.
被动:I am often made to laugh ( by him).
2 主动:The boss made us work all day.
被动:We were made to work all day ( by the boss).

make 的用法

1. 用作使役动词,表示“使”,后接不定式的复合结构作宾语时,不定式不能带 to;但是,若make为被动语态,则www.souquanme.com不定式必须带to。如:
Though he had often made his little sister cry, today he was made to cry by his little sister. 虽然他曾经常把lWkBgHb他小妹妹弄哭,但今//www.souquanme.com天他被他小妹妹弄哭了。
We make candles to give light. 我们做蜡烛照明。
He made a box to put his money in. 他做了个盒子来装钱。
2. 其后除可接不带to的不定式作宾语补足语外,还可以接以下成分:
(1) 接过去分词作宾语补足语。如:
He tried to make his ideas known. 他设法让别人知道他的想法。
She had to shout to make herself heard. 她必须大声喊才能让人听见她说话。
误:He made the driver waiting for him outside.
正:He had the driver waiting for him outside.
(2) 接形容词作宾语补足语。如:
Have I made myself clear? 我的意思说清楚了吗?
We’ll do our best to make you happy. 我们会尽一切努力使你幸福。
(3) 接介词短语作宾语补足语。如:
Sit down and make yourself at homlWkBgHbe. 请坐,不要拘束。
3. 有时可用作连系动词,表示“成为”“变成”等。如:
She would have made an excellent teacher. 她本可以成为杰出的教师。
That will make a good ending to the book. 那就成了这本书很好的结尾。
4. 以下各表达中的 make 在译成中文较灵活,需注意:make tea(泡茶),make money(赚钱),make the train(赶上火车),make the party(参加聚会),make 20 miles in an hour(一小时走20英里),等。
5. 用于“be made+介词”:
(1) 比较 be made of 与 be made from:两者均表示“由……制成”,但前者通常表示在制成品中还看得出原材料,而后者则通常表示在制成品中看不出原材料。如:
The chair is made of wood. 这椅子是用木头做的。
Some paper is made from wood. 有些纸是用木头做的。
(2) 比较 be make out of 与 be made into:前者表示“由……制成”,后者表示“制成……”。两者有时可互换,并且根据情况也可与上面两个句型互换(注意词序的变化)。如:
Rice can be made into wine. 米可以酿成酒。
Wine can be made out of [from] rice. 酒可以由米酿成。
6. 用于 make it:
(1) 表示事业获得成功。如:
You will make it if you 你会成功的,如果你努力的话。
He’s never really made it as an actor. 他当演员从未有所成就。
(2) 表示具体做成某事。如:
You needn’t worry; he will make it. 他不必担心,他会办成的。
If you want to make it, better get doing. 如果你想把这事干成,就该动手了。
(3) 表示设法做到某事。如:
I’ve been having violin lessons every two weeks, but I think I’ll make it every week from now on. 我一直是每两个星期上一次小提琴课,但是我想从现在起每个星期都上课。
(4) 表示及时赶上火车等。如:
The train leaves in five minutes—we’ll never make it. 火车再有5分钟就开了——我们绝对赶不上了。
(5) 表示及时抵达某地。如:
We are too late; I don’t think we can make it. 我们太迟了,我想我们难以准时赶到了。
I’m really sorry, but I won’t be able to make it (on) Sunday after all. 真的很抱歉,我星期天根本赶不到。
(6) 表示约定时间。如:
Let’s make it at 8:30. Is that all right for you? 我们约定在8点半吧,这对你合适吗?
A:Shall we make it next week? 下个星期可以吗?
B:OK, let’s make it next week. 好的,咱们就定在下个星期吧。
(7) 表示病情好转。如:
The doctor knew that the patient was unlikely to make it. 医生知道那个病人没什么希望了。
He had a high fever, but it doesn’t mean be couldn’t make it. 他发高烧,但这并不意味着他挺不过去。
注意,以下make it…结构中的it为形式宾语:
I have to make it clear that my family is poor. 我得说清楚我家里很穷。
I make it a rule to write in my diary every night. 我把每晚写日记当成一种习惯。
