



1. 由恐惧产生的猜疑,是大多数野兽的一大特点。
2. 小虫在四周嗡嗡鸣叫,野兽的吼声响彻寂静的夜空。
3. 我们都知道,许多男人被诅咒成暴怒的野兽的形象。
4. 开饭之前,巴兹尔溜到外面充满野兽的黑暗中去小便。
5. 早期的图画暴露了他们完全缺乏描绘成群野兽的能力。
6. 这是什么?是野兽的吼声,夜莺的啼声,GNCtyXpVWd还是人的喊声?
7. 那是一个灌木从生,充满野兽的地方
8. 我们备有武器以防御野兽的袭击。
9. 他守卫牧群不受野兽的袭击。
希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油


1. 她尖声怪腔地喊叫着,好像垂死的野兽一般。
2. 世界上最残忍的不是野兽,不是刽子手,而是时间;因为时间不等人,时间不留情。
3. 他们是一群胡子拉查,衣衫褴褛的野兽,而我的样子恐怕和他们差不多。
4. 一只野兽受了伤,它可以自己跑到一个山洞躲起来,然后自己舔舔伤口,自己坚持,可是一旦被嘘寒问暖,它就受不了。郭敬明
5. 有时,太湖像一头脾气暴躁的野兽,看那湖乱石穿空,惊涛拍岸,大风吹动着浪阵,汹涌迸散,不断奏出那部巨湖乐神秘的和弦。漫天的浪花,前仆后继地开在那巨石上,炸裂成无悔的壮丽,然后重聚成蓝色的花苞。
6. 深夜森林里野兽的哀号令人毛骨悚然。
7. 只有神仙与野兽才喜欢孤独,人是要朋友的。
8. 因为有言语,你胜于野兽,若是语无伦次,野兽就胜于你。萨迪
9. 即使是凶猛的野兽,如果总关在笼里,也会失去自己的勇猛本性。塔西佗
10. 愤怒就精神的配置序列而言,属于野兽一般的激情,它能经常反复是一种残忍而百折不挠的力量,从而成为凶杀的根源,不幸的朋友、伤害和耻辱的帮凶。
11. 人类既非天使,亦非野兽。不幸的是,任何一心想扮演天使的人都表现得像野兽。帕斯卡
12. 像战略家那样思考,像野兽那样行动。
13. 人既不是天使,也不是野兽,但他们却想学做天使与野兽。
14. 智者受理智的指导,常人受经验的指导;而野兽受直觉的指导。西塞罗


请用earth造两个句子!!! 谢谢!(有必要的话,请顺便配上句子的中文意思)!! (请快些,我会在线等,即刻把您设为最佳答案)
(usu 通常作 the earth) [sing] this world; the planet on which we live 世界; 地球: The moon goes round the earth. 月球环绕地球运转. * I must be the happiest woman on earth! 我一定是世界上最幸福的女人了.
[sing] land; the surface of the world as opposed to the sky or sea 大地; 陆地; 地面: After a week at sea, it was good to feel the earth under our feet again. 出海一周后, 又重新回到陆地上而感到愉快. * The balloon burst and fell to earth. 气球破裂而落到地上.
[U] soil 泥土: a clod/lump of earth 土块 * fill a hole with earth 用泥土填洞 * cover the roots of a plant with earth 用泥土把植物的根埋起来. =www.souquanme.com>Usage 见所附用法.
[C] hole of a wild animal, esp a fox or badger (野兽的, 尤指狐狸或獾的)洞穴; 兽穴.
[C usu sing 通常作单数] (esp Brit) (US ground) (wire that provides a) connection with the ground completing an electrical circuit 接地; 地线.
[C] (chemistry 化) any of several metallic oxides 几种金属氧化物之一: an alkaline earth 碱土金属氧化物 * rare earths 稀土金属元素.
(idm 习语) charge, cost, pay, etc (sb) the `earth (infml 口) charge, etc a lot of money 要付...很多钱: I'd love that bike, but it costs the earth. 我很喜欢那辆自行车, 可是贵得不得了. come back/down to `earth (with a bang/bump) (infml 口) stop day-dreaming; return to reaGNCtyXpVWdlity 不再做白日梦; 回到现实中来: When his money ran out, he came down to earth (with a bump). 他把钱用光时, 才(赫然)如梦初醒. the ends of the earth => end1. the four corners of the earth => corner. go/run to earth/ground hide oneself away to avoid being captured, etc 躲藏起来以免被捉住等. how, why, where, who, etc on `earth/in the `world (infml 口) (used for emphasis 用以加强语气) how, etc ever 到底怎样...: What on earth are you doing? 你到底在干什麽呢? * How on earth did she manage that? 她究竟怎麽办到的呢? (be, feel, look, etc) like nothing on `earth (infml 口) very bad, unwell, peculiar, etc 糟糕、 难受、 特别极了等: He looks like nothing on earth in those weird clothes. 他穿着奇装异服难看极了. move heaven and earth => move2. promise the earth/moon => promise2. run sb/sth to `earth find sb/sth by searching hard 尽力追查某人[某事物]: The police eventually ran him to earth in Paris. 警察穷追不舍, 终於在巴黎找到了他. the salt of the earth => salt. wipe sth off 搜趣网the face of the earth/off the map => wipe.


Kyle:I was being dumb.I just was scared you didn't...
Lindy:Didn't what?
Kyle:Love me.And I didn't think you could.Because of how ugly I am.And I should have known better,that that's not who you are.You took me one looke at meand still said you'd seen worse.Somehow...shen I'm around you I don't feel ugly at all.
Lindy:It's because you're not.
A symbol of humility,the white rose also say,I am loyaland worthy of you.
Kendra:Best embrace the suck.
Point being,no matter what,how you GNCtyXpVWdlook matters.
Point being,it's not about how others look at me,it's about how I look at myself.
Kyle:I think...I think I love you.
