用make72 changes造句(make 72 changs造句)


用make72 changes造句(make 72 changs造句)

make 72 changs造句

make 72 changs造句
Monkey King makes 72 changs to protect his master

make changes to是什么意思

make changes to
To make changes to Offline Files, click OK.要对脱机文件设置进行更改,单击“确定”。
You can't make changes to a read-only document.您无法更改只读文档。
You can't make//www.souquanme.com changes to a read-only file.您无法更改只读文件。//www.souquanme.com
Is there a need to make changes to the strategy in the near future?在近期有无必要对这一战略进行修改?
However, the developer can continue making changes to code.但是,该开发人员可以继续更改代码。
How do I make changes to my personal contact information?我如何更改个人数据?
However, you can also make changes to the form design in this view.然而,您还可以在此视图中对窗体设计进行更改。
Lion: Thanks! Now I want to make changes to my hairstyle!狮子:谢谢!现在我想在发型上作些变化。
Unzip the file, then make changes to theme files it contains.解压缩文件,然后修改它包含文件的主题。
Markup tracking is off. You can make changes to the original document.标记跟踪已禁用。您可以对原始文档进行更改。
You can make changes to a video effect that has already been rendered.您可以更改已经渲染的视频效果。
You can then make changes to the code and recompile it into a library file.您这时可对代码进行更改并将其重新编译成库文件。
In order to be a?ble to make changes to the auditing files you need to: 1.为帮助我们改进内容,请提供以下反馈意见和附加评论。

make changes for和to的用法

make changeswww.souquanme.com for  为了......做出......改变

It is a time to assess what has been achieved so far, and perhaps make changes for the future.     


make changes to 对......做了改变 www.souquanme.com更改

Make changes to the work item list as needed.     


This is because he can make 72 changes to his

shape and size,turning himself into different animals and objects.为什么是"turning"
He came into the room, holding a stick.
