造句decorate(decorate怎么造句 还有ask for)


造句decorate(decorate怎么造句 还有ask for)


1、honour the dead 2、do harm to sb 3、dress up 4、play a thick(on sb) 5、win awards for 6、be pound of 7、for a little while 8、have fun with sb 9、plant in spring10、harvest in autumn 11、light fires 12、bring a year of plenty13、take place 14、eigher...or... 15、clean the grave 16、in memory of... 17、be over 18、in the shape of 19、decorate...with... 20、lead to...


1、请用friendly, kind, clever, foolish造句(每个单词造一句话),请用与下个例句相同的句式Eg:It’s nice of you to decorate the house for me.2、请用系动词:look, sound, taste, smell, feel, become, turn, get造句(每个单词造一句话)
1.It's frin搜趣网dly of you to say hello to him.
It's kind of you to lend the book to me.
It'swww.souquanme.com clever of you to work out the problem.
It's fvKxBpJfycYoolish of you to lend the money to him.
2.You look so beautiful.
It's sound great.
It tastes good.
It smells wonderful.
It fells soft.
We become good friends.
The l搜趣网ight turns red.
I get some information.
