造句guidance(英语造句 急急急)


造句guidance(英语造句 急急急)

----------造句--------- remorse,guidance,incident.

He felt a sincere remorse for his www.souquanme.comwrongdoings
I was搜趣网 able to complete my assignment under the guidance of my supervisor.
She gave a full account of the incident to the po搜趣网lice.


He felt a sincere remorse for his wrongdoings
I was able to complete my assignment under the guidance of my supervisor.
She gave a full account of the incident to the police.

英语造句 急急急

guidance指导 legal法律的 out of work 失业 hopeful怀有希望的 stage舞台 as a matter of fact事实上 equal相等的 in trouble在危险的处境中 willing乐意的 unfair不公正的 turn to求助于 lose hea搜趣网rt丧失勇气或信心 大家尽量造一些简单的句子
1. She is a marriage guidance counselor.她是婚姻问题的顾问。2.Gambling is not legal here.这里赌博是不合法的3.Hundreds were thrown out of work.数以百计的人失去了工作.4.Person after all should pessimistic hopeful still?人到底应该悲观还是乐观5.The disease is still in its primary stage.这疾病仍然在初发阶段。

用look forward to造句

后面加名词 动词 介词个两www.souquanme.com
look forward to
I look forward to working with you again.
Is he looking forward to seeing me at all?
