用原比较级造句简单的(用原级 比较级 最高级写句子 不少于二十句 简单)


用原比较级造句简单的(用原级 比较级 最高级写句子 不少于二十句 简单)


用比较级造句,1.good/well2.bad/ill3.manu/much4.little5.far 以上5句都用原级,比较级,最高级各造1句!!!
He is a good student.(他是个好学生。)
www.souquanme.com well
He sings well.(他歌唱得好。)
Sam got better results in the exam than Tom.(在这次考试中,萨姆的成绩比汤姆好。)
No news is the best news.(没有消息是最好的消息。)
The food has gone bad.(食物已经坏了。)
He fell ill yesterday.( 他昨天病了。)
You can't imagine a worse situation.(你想不出更坏的情况了。)
The worst thing is the most unpleasant or unfavourable thing.(最糟糕的事,就是最让人
3.原级: many
There are many eggs in the basket.(篮子里有很多鸡蛋。)
How much is it?(这个多少钱?)
He spent more time perfecting his dance moves instead of gym work.
Sadly, most of the house was destroyed by fire in 1828.
I had little money and little free time...
Children of very low ability should not be permitted to pay less attention to the sciences.
最高级:least(一般用于词组at least”至少“)
He aims to have at least half a pint of milk each day.
They came from as far away as Florida.
far有两个比较级、两个最高级,直接接ther的表示”距离上、空间上的程度加强;er变成ur 再加ther表示引申比喻意义"更深层地、进一步地"。
Both of my sisters moved even farther away from home...
If you wish for further explanation, you'd better apply in person to the director.
(如果你想得到进一步说明, 你最好直接找厂长联系。)
Of all the students, I ran farthest.
These institutional reforms have gone furthest in Poland.


形容词的比较级 原级 最高级 造句三组 等于说是先造一个原级在把它改写成 比较级 如:他很胖.他比他更胖.他是他们三人中最胖的.
he is fat
He more fatter than he
He is the fattest in the 搜趣网three of them


tall 比较级:She is taller than me. 最高级:My friend is the tallest in our class. short 比较级:My English teacher is shorter than My chemistry teacher. 最高级:My English teacher is the shortest of all. long 比较级:His hair 。


 原级:the girl is as beautiful as the other。

the book is as thick as that one。

the red pen is as good as the black one。
this place is as nice as that one。 

 比较级:this girl is more beautiful than the other。

this book is thicker than that one。
the red pen is better than the black one。

this place is nicer than that one。 

 最高级:the girl is the most beautiful one in my class。

  the book is the thickest in all the books。

the red pen is the best one in the library。

  this place is the niceset among all the places that i have ever visited。


  构成法 原级 比较级 最高级 一般单音节词 tall(高的) taller tallest 未尾加-er,-est great(巨大的) greater greatest 以不发音的e结尾 nice(好的) nicer nicest 的单音词和少数 large(大的) larger largest 以- le结尾的双 able(有能力的) abler ablest 音节词只加-r,-st 以一个辅音字母 big(大的) bigger biggest 结尾的闭音节单 hot热的) hotter hottest 音节词,双写结 尾的辅音字母, 再加-er,-est "以辅音字母+y" easy(容易的) easier easiest 结尾的双音节词,busy(忙的) busier busiest 改y为i,再加 -er,-est 少数以-er,-ow cle//www.souquanme.comver(聪明的) cleverer cleverest 结尾的双音节词 narrow(窄的) narrower narrowest 未尾加-er,-est 其他双音节词和 important(重要的) 多音节词,在前 more important 面加more,most most important 来构成比较级和 easily(容易地) 最高级。
more easily most easily 2) 不规则变化 原级 比较级 最高级 good(好的)/ better best well(健康的) bad (坏的)/ worse worst ill(有病的) old (老的) older/elder oldest/eldest much/many(多的) more most little(少的) less least far (远的) farther/further farthest/furthest ★形容词的比较级和最高级: 形容词有三种等级:原级、比较级、最高级。
3.原级:句中只有一者时用原级,其标志词是very, so, too, quite等。 e。g。 His handwriting is very good。他的书法很好。 (一个人不作比较。
) 太阳、月亮和地球那个大? ★ 形容词比较级和最高级的构成: 1。一般在原级后加er 构成比较级,加est构成最高级。 e。g。 small smaller smallest young younger youngest 2。
以不发音的字母e 结尾的形容词,直接加r 或st 构成比较级和最高级。 e。g。 nice nicer nicest late later latest 3。以辅音字母+y 结尾的形容词,变y为i ,再加er 或est, 构成比较级和最高级。
e。g。 busy busier busiest heavy heavier heaviest 4。在重读闭音节中,末尾只有一个辅音字母的形容词,要先双写这个辅音字母,再加er或est, 构成比较级和最高级。
e。g。 hot hotter hottest big bigger biggest 5。个别形容词的比较级和最高级是不规则变化,需个别记忆。 e。g。 good (well) better best bad (badly, ill) worse worst many(much) more most little less least far father farthest 或 further furthest ★ 副词的比较级和最高级: 1。
以ly 结尾的副词,除early 变为 earlier 和 earliest 外, 其余一律在其前加more 和most。 如:carefully – more carefully – most carefully 2。
规则变化直接加er 和 est 。 如:fast – faster—fastest 3。个别词是不规则变化,需要特别记忆。 如:well – better – best far – farther – fastest badly – worse – worst 4。
句子中,副词最高级前的the 可省略也可以不省略,但形容词最高级前面的the 绝对不能去掉。
