ambitiously造句并翻译(想 要壮志凌云;做 要脚踏实地 翻译成英文怎么说)


ambitiously造句并翻译(想 要壮志凌云;做 要脚踏实地 翻译成英文怎么说)


简瑞恩(艾什莉奥尔森饰)还不足18岁,她拥有所有成绩优秀女孩儿的全部特征--勤奋好学、处事果断而又深谋远虑。向来一帆风顺的简再次走到人生必须经历的十字路口,这次为了登陆牛津大学深造,她必须参加哥伦比亚大学举办一个演讲比赛,以期赢得求知必备之物--Callahan Fellowship奖学金。假期来临之际,踌躇满志的简准备到喧哗热烈的纽约去实现自己的梦想。 罗西克瑞恩(玛丽-凯特奥尔森饰)同样不足18岁,钻研古今演练定理对她没有毫厘的吸引力,倒是由于青春期叛逆心里的作怪,所以履历中多少有了那么点儿逃学翘课的影子。罗西克的最爱是前卫的音乐与动感的节奏,为此她也把假期的终点站锁定到了曼哈顿区某处,为的是把自己录制的样本唱片送到著名乐队A&R手中以期得到赏识,而能借此大红大紫。所以罗西克也打好行囊准备前往纽约。 从姓氏方面不难猜到,简和罗西克是一对姐妹,而且还是孪生姐妹。尽管有着如此亲密的血缘关系,但两人的性格追求却又显然的相去甚远。殊途同归使原本格格不入的姐妹走到了一起,阴差阳错的判断失误使她们在奔赴纽约的途中迷失了方向,唐人街、黑人住宅区,每一个经过的地方都是以鸡飞狗跳做收场。一不小心拐走了议员的爱犬,一不留神闯入了盗版黑市当中,前有歹人拦路后有众人追赶,瑞恩姐妹的旅途举步唯艰。
Jan rui the graciousness (Shen Li the Olsson decoration) also the insufficient 18 years old, she has all result outstanding girl's complete characteristic--Is diligent diligently, handles matters is decisive and is farsighted. Always problem-free Jan once more arrives at the intersection which the life must experience, this time to land the Oxford University to pursue advanced studies, she must participate in the Columbia University to hold an oratorical contest, wins the seeking knowledge necessary thing by the time--Callahan Fellowship scholarship. The vacation approaches, smug Jan prepares to clamor warm New York to realize his dream. Luo the Sieck auspicious graciousness (Mary - Kate the Olsson decoration) the similarly insufficient 18 years old, the study ancient and modern drilling theorem does not have hao the thousandth attraction to her, but actually as a result of puberty rebel's unseemly behavior at heart, therefore in the personal history how had the shadow which that selects plays hooky plays truant. Luo Sieck's most love is vanguard's music and the person or household who refuses to move and bargains for unreasonably high compensation when the land is requisitioned for a construction project rhythm, for this reason she also locked vacation's terminal Manhattan somewhere, what for was delivers own record sample phonograph record in the famous orchestra A&R hand to obtain by the time the recognition, but could borrow successfully this. Therefore Luo Sieck also hits the travel bag to prepare to go to New York. is not difficult from the surname aspect to guess correctly that Jan Heluo Sieck is pair of sisters, moreover twin sisters. Although has the so intimate blood relationship, but two person of disposition pursues actually obvious being very different. Reaches the same goal or conclusion from different approaches the sisters who causes to be incompatible with originally to arrive at one, the mistake arising out of chance circumstances judgment fault has caused them to rush toward New York to lose the direction on the way, the Chinatown, the black residential district, each process's place is by is in chaotic situation does ends. Incautiously turned congressman's pet dog, one did not pay attention to intrude has pirated in the middle of the black market, after first had the bad man blocked the way, has the people to pursue, the auspicious graciousness sisters' journey tipIhbqKook a step only jian.


Mudanjiang Introduction
Mudanjiang is a historical accumulation very thick city, is one of the cradles of manchu, make the songs of the oriole ridge culture in the tang dynasty, the bohai sea culture, the qing dynasty better pagodas flow culture, "braving the journey culture, anti-japan union calls culture, wilderness culture and volcanic culture, port culture and so on the many kinds of cultural inheritance blend, the local conditions and customs of different make the mudanjiang unique folk customs, mudanjiang become a high degree of openness and tolerance degree is high, the thought is more awww.souquanme.comctive and open area, created" realistic and innovative, spanning scrambling "city character.
Mudanjiang scenery tiancheng, is a scenic city. Located in the central north temperate zone, is a temperate continental monsoon climate, semi-humid region. Is located in the basin, is surrounded by mountains, the four seasons is distinct. Winter can play with snow, summer can summer, autumn is considerable mountain, spring can be picked. Mudanjiang has the world first big mountain lake jingbo -, and China the snow country, the tang dynasty ruins of bo sea kingdom and other scenic areas 450 spots, is a state-level tourist city.


A Mathematical Problem User Rating: 5.7 /10(29 votes) - vote - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Print friendly version E-mail this poem to e friend Send this poem as eCard Add this poem to MyPoemList This is now--this was erst,Proposition the first--and Problem the first.I.On a given finite LineWhich must no way incline;To describe an equi----lateral Tri----A, N, G, L, E.Now let A. B.Be the given lineWhich must no way incline;The great MathematicianMakes this Requisition,That we describe an Equi----lateral Tri----angle on it:Aid us, Reason--aid us, Wit!II.From the centre A. at the distance A. B.Describe the circle B. C. D.At the distance B. A. from B. the centreThe round A. C. E. to describe boldly venture.(Third Postulate see.)And from the point C.In which the circles make a potherCutting and slashing one another,Bid the straight lines a journeying go,C. A., C. B. those lines will show.To the points, which by A. B. are reckonx27d,And postulate the secondFor Authority ye know.A. B. C.Triumphant shall beAn Equilateral Triangle,Not Peter Pindar carp, not Zoilus can wrangle.III.Because the point A. is the centreOf the circular B. C. D.And because the point B. is the centreOf the circular A. C. E.A. C. to A. B. and B. C. to B. A.Harmoniously equal for ever must stay;Then C. A. and B. C.Both extend the kind handTo the basis, A. B.Unambitiously joinx27d in Equalityx27s Band.But to the same powers, when two powers are equal,My mind forbodes the sequel;My mind does some celestial impulse teach,And equalises each to each.Thus C. A. with B. C. strikes the same sure alliance,That C. A. and B. C. had with A. B. before;And in mutual affiance,None attempting to soarAbove another,The unanimous threeC. A. and B. C. and A. B.All are equal, each to his brother,Preserving the balance of power so true:Ah! the like would the proud Autocratorix do!At taxes impending not Britain would tremble,Nor Prussia struggle her fear to dissemble;Nor the Mahx27met-sprung Wight,The great MussulmanWould stain his DivanWith Urine the soft-flowing daughter of Fright.IV.But rein your stallion in, too daring Nine!Should Empires bloat the scientific line?Or with dishevellx27d hair all madl搜趣网y do ye runFor transport that your task is done?For done it is--the cause is tried!And Proposition, gentle Maid,Who soothly askx27d stern Demonstrationx27s aid,Has provx27d her right, and A. B. C.Of Angles threeIs shown to be of equal side;And now our weary steed to rest in fine,x27Tis raisx27d upon A. B. the straight, the given line. Create Date : Wednesday, March 31, 2010 Update Date : Wednesday, March 31, 2010 Samuel Taylor Coleridge
一个数学问题用户评分:5.7 / 10(29票) - 票 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
友好的打印版本电子邮件这首诗以电子邮件的朋友发送电子贺卡将此作为诗诗MyPoemList这是现在 - 这是往昔,命题的第一 - 第一个和问题。
一,在给定的有限线,必须丝毫不倾斜;为了描述使同等 - - 横向三 - - A,N,G,L,E。现在,让AB成为定线,必须丝毫不倾斜,使这个伟大的数学家征用,我们描述使同等 - - 横向三 - - 它的角度:援助我们,原因 - 援助我们,机智!
II。从远处AB中心A.描述在从B的中心圆ACE距离BA圈BCD来形容www.souquanme.com大胆创业。 (第三公设看到的。)而从C点在该界作出pother切割和削减彼此,申办直通过一项痴痴去,CA,CB这些线路将显示。到了点,这是由AB是reckon'd,而假设的权威,你们知道第二。 ABC凯旋应该是一个等边三角形,不彼品达鲤鱼,不Zoilus可以缠斗。
III。由于A点是圆形BCD中心,因为B点是圆形ACEAC以AB和BC为BA和谐平等的中心,必须永远保持,然后CA和BC这两个扩展的那种手的基础上,AB Unambitiously join'd在平等的乐队。但对同样的权力,当两个大国是平等的,我的头脑forbodes的续集,我的头脑做一些天体的冲动教,而equalises每到每个。因此,与BC CA罢工同样肯定的联盟,该CA与AB和BC面前,并在相互婚约,没有试图飙升最重要的另一个方面,一致three BC和CA与AB都是平等的,每一个他的弟弟,保持均势如此真实:啊!像会骄傲的Autocratorix呢!在即将到来的税不是英国将颤抖,她也不害怕普鲁士斗争拆解,也没有Mah'met - 怀特如雨后春笋般涌现,大Mussulman污点会随着尿液的恐惧软流动的女儿他的合集。
IV。但在发挥你的种马,九太大胆!如果帝国膨胀的科学行?或用dishevell'd头发疯狂地做你们所有运行对于交通,你的任务是做什么?为了做到这 - 原因是尝试!和主张,温柔的少女,谁soothly又问严厉示范的援助,有prov'd她的权利,角度three ABC被证明是平等的一面;现在我们休息疲惫的战马在精,“提斯在AB rais'd的直,定线。
