


用gas 造句



Huge planets made of gas,like Jupiter in our solar system.巨大搜趣网的行星由气体组成,例如太阳系的木星。
He heated these metals to convert them into a gas.他将这些金属加热,使之转变成气体。


不要拿在线翻译来通顺流利 符合逻辑1.we donx27t know exactly what causes the earthx27s magnetism. 2.when weight is given,the location and the corresponding acceleration due to gravity should also be specified.3.gas molecules emit light while moving at high speed.4.why the conversion of heat to work is different from that of work to heat is an important topic.
1.we don't know exactly what causes the earth's magnetism.
2.when weight is given,the location and the corresponding acceleration due to gravity should also be specified.
3.gas molecules emit light while moving at high speed.
4.why the conversion of heat to work is different from that of work to heat is an important topic.


1. 约翰凑够了大学一年级的学费。2. 一些白人(whites)抢夺了印第安人的(Indian)土地并且杀害(slaughter)他们。(rob….of…)3. 我需要两天的时间(a couple of days)考虑一下这件事情。(think over)4. 资金缺乏(shortage of capital) 阻碍了经济的发展。(hold back) 5. 由于流感(the flue)在社区传播,她用暖和的冬衣把自己裹(wrap)了起来,以防传染上这种疾病。6. 当到达圣 路易斯(St. Louis)时, 我还有大约40美元。 1.我年轻时,就梦想成为一名医生。2.这家大公司已经吞并了许多小公司。(take over)3. 火车进站了,人们争抢座位。(pull in(to) )4. 我们对那部电影如此着迷,以至于忘记了当时是什么时间。(to be caught up in) 5. 乘客们是在午夜登上飞机的。 6. 魔术师(magician)一挥手,兔子就消失不见了。 1. 天不早了,我们最好赶快回家吧。2.全体公民都应帮助警方追踪罪犯(track down)。3.我家人口增多,房子住不下了(outgrow) 。4.这种药一定每日三次,饭后服用。5. 他胁迫那位老太太在合同(contract)上签字。6. 今天早上我不想(feel like)吃烙饼(pancakes)。 1.如果有问题,请你毫不犹豫地向我求助。2.在过去,他们的生命经常受到瓦斯爆炸(gas explosion)的威胁。3.他被任命为天津市长。4. 在哥伦布(Columbus)发现美洲以前,在欧洲没有人知道美洲的存在。5. 我们把相对论的基本理论归功于爱因斯坦(Einstein)。(owe… to)6. 老天爷!包忘带走了!1.从汽车的数目来判断,俱乐部里还没有多少人。2.那位老人似乎对那个问题不重视。3.一想到又要见到你,我很高兴。4.几乎没有人在这家超市购物,因为这里的许多蔬菜好象不新鲜。5. 由于钱短,我们什么也没有买。(be short of ) 6. 你手上有烟草味。 1.我每天都起的早,这对我没有任何害处。 2. 她曾经为几位画家做过模特(model)。3. 他们不知道这种变化是怎样发生的(come about)。 4. 现在家庭收入削减了三分之一多(cut down)。 5. 穆斯林(the Moslems)占这个国家人口的65%。6. 她要我戒烟,因为她不喜欢烟味。(object to) 1. 我这一天真是难受,什么都不顺。(trying)2. 我一旦经过深思熟虑作出某一决定,就不再去多想而是按照这一决定行事。 (considered, dwell on)3. 我们每一个人都会不可避免地遇到这样或那样的挫折( setback),甚至犯错误。 这一点我们必须接受。(encounter, live with)4. 孩子太多了,艾丽丝(Alice )要管住他们很费劲。(have trouble)5. 布莱克(Black)知道我急需这条信息,但是他不想让我知道,于是他不肯提供。 6. 这列直快(express train)比预定时间(schedule time)提前10分钟到达天津。 1.老师抱怨迪克(Dick)在弹子房(pool-room)鬼混,不做功课。2. 不要助长他的惰性(laziness),否则,他将会越来越依赖你。(addict to)3. 我要查看一下孩子,看他是否真睡着了。(check on) 4. 我立刻喜欢上了他, 他看上去是个多么可爱的孩子。(take to) 5. 莱斯特(Lester)没有想到会遇到他这么多的朋友。(run into)6. 这个孩子有点傻,即使我用简单的话给他解释,他也不明白。(get through to…)
1. John got enough first-year university tuition fees.
2. 一些白人(whites)抢夺了印第安人的(Indian)土地并且杀害(slaughter)他们。 2. Some whites (whites) to snatch the Indian (Indian) land and kill (slaughter) them. (rob….of…) (Rob .... Of ...)
3. 我需要两天的时间(a couple of days)考虑一下这件事情。 3. My need for two days (a couple of days) consider this matter. (think over) (Think over)
4. 资金缺乏(shortage of capital) 阻碍了经济的发展。 4. Capital shortage (shortage of capital) hinders economic development. (hold back) (Hold back)
5. 由于流感(the flue)在社区传播,她用暖和的冬衣把自己裹(wrap)了起来,以防传染上这种疾病。 5. Because the flu (the flue) spread in the community, she wrapped the warm winter clothes themselves (wrap) up and prevent the spread of the disease.
6. 当到达圣路易斯(St. Louis)时, 我还有大约40美元。 6. When you get to St. Louis (St. Louis), I have about 40 dollars.

1. 1. 我年轻时,就梦想成为一名医生。 I was young, dreamed of becoming a doctor.
2. 2. 这家大公司已经吞并了许多小公司。 The big companies have swallowed up many small companies. (take over) (Take over)
3. 火车进站了,人们争抢座位。 3. Train came, people scramble for seats. (pull in(to) ) (Pull in (to))
4. 我们对那部电影如此着迷,以至于忘记了当时是什么时间。 4. We are so obsessed with that movie, so forget what time it is at that time. (to be caught up in) (To be caught up in)
5. 乘客们是在午夜登上飞机的。 5. Passengers boarded the plane at midnight.
6. 魔术师(magician)一挥手,兔子就消失不见了。 6. Magician (magician) a wave, the rabbit disappeared.
1. 天不早了,我们最好赶快回家吧。 1. Day late, we'd better go home.
2. 2. 全体公民都应帮助警方追踪罪犯(track down)。 All citizens should help police track criminals (track down).
3. 3. 我家人口增多,房子住不下了(outgrow) 。 My family is growing, a place to live no less than the (outgrow).
4. 4. 这种药一定每日三次,饭后服用。 This medicine must three times daily after meals.
5. 他胁迫那位老太太在合同(contract)上签字。 5. He stress, the lady of the contract (contract) signed.
6. 今天早上我不想(feel like)吃烙饼(pancakes)。 6. This morning I want (feel like) to eat pancakes (pancakes).

1. 1. 如果有问题,请你毫不犹豫地向我求助。 If you have questions, please do not hesitate to me for help.
2. 2. 在过去,他们的生命经常受到瓦斯爆炸(gas explosion)的威胁。 In the past, their lives are often at a gas explosion (gas explosion) threats.
3. 3. 他被任命为天津市长。 He was appointed Mayor of Tianjin.
4. 在哥伦布(Columbus)发现美洲以前,在欧洲没有人知道美洲的存在。 4. In Columbus (Columbus) discovered America before, in Europe no one knew the existence of the Americas.
5. 我们把相对论的基本理论归功于爱因斯坦(Einstein)。 5. We owe the basic theory of relativity of Einstein (Einstein). (owe… to) (Owe ... to)
6. 老天爷! 6. God! 包忘带走了! Package forget away!
1. 1. 从汽车的数目来判断,俱乐部里还没有多少人。 Judging from the number of vehicles, not many people inside the club.
2. 2. 那位老人似www.souquanme.com乎对那个问题不重视。 The old man seemed to ignore that question.
3. 3. 一想到又要见到你,我很高兴。 The thought of seeing you again, I am very happy.
4. 4. 几乎没有人在这家超市购物,因为这里的许多蔬菜好象不新鲜。 Almost no one in this supermarket shopping, because many here do not seem fresh vegetable.
5. 由于钱短,我们什么也没有买。 5. Because money is short, we have 搜趣网nothing to buy. (be short of ) (Be short of)
6. 你手上有烟草味。 6. Do you have smell of tobacco.
1. 1. 我每天都起的早,这对我没有任何害处。 I played every day early, which I have not done any harm.
2. 她曾经为几位画家做过模特(model)。 2. She has done for the few painters model (model).
3. 他们不知道这种变化是怎样发生的(come about)。 3. They do not know how this change took place (come about).
4. 现在家庭收入削减了三分之一多(cut down)。 4. Now more than one-third of family income cut (cut down).
5. 穆斯林(the Moslems)占这个国家人口的65%。 5. Muslims (the Moslems) accounted for 65% of the population in this country.
6. 她要我戒烟,因为她不喜欢烟味。 6. She wanted me to quit because she did not like the smell. (object to) (Object to)
1. 我这一天真是难受,什么都不顺。 1. I This day is uncomfortable, nothing along. (trying) (Trying)
2. 我一旦经过深思熟虑作出某一决定,就不再去多想而是按照这一决定行事。 2. I once made a deliberate decision to not dwell on it to act in accordance with this decision.
(considered, dwell on) (Considered, dwell on)
3. 我们每一个人都会不可避免地遇到这样或那样的挫折( setback),甚至犯错误。 3. Each of us will inevitably encounter this or that setback (setback), and even make mistakes. 这一点我们必须接受。 This we must accept. (encounter, live with) (Encounter, live with)
4. 孩子太多了,艾丽丝(Alice搜趣网 )要管住他们很费劲。 4. The child too much, Alice (Alice) to manage and they are very strenuous. (have trouble) (Have trouble)
5. 布莱克(Black)知道我急需这条信息,但是他不想让我知道,于是他不肯提供。 5. Black (Black) know that I need this information, but he did not want to let me know, and he refused to provide.
6. 这列直快(express train)比预定时间(schedule time)提前10分钟到达天津。 6. This is straight out fast (express train) than the scheduled time (schedule time) arrived 10 minutes ahead of Tianjin.
1. 1. 老师抱怨迪克(Dick)在弹子房(pool-room)鬼混,不做功课。 The teacher complained that Dick (Dick) in the billiard room (pool-room) fool around, do not do homework.
2. 不要助长他的惰性(laziness),否则,他将会越来越依赖你。 2. Do not contribute to his inertia (laziness), otherw搜趣网ise, he will be increasingly dependent on you. (addict to) (Addict to)
3. 我要查看一下孩子,看他是否真睡着了。 3. I want to see your child, see if he really fell asleep. (check on) (Check on)
4. 我立刻喜欢上了他, 他看上去是个多么可爱的孩子。 4. I immediately liked him, he seemed like a lovely child. (take to) (Take to)
5. 莱斯特(Lester)没有想到会遇到他这么多的朋友。 5. Lester (Lester) did not think he will be met so many friends. (run into) (Run into)
6. 这个孩子有点傻,即使我用简单的话给他解释,他也不明白。 6. This child a bit silly, even if I use simple words to explain to him, he does not understand. (get through to…) (Get through to ...)
