need sb to do造句(needsbtodosth怎么造句)


need sb to do造句(needsbtodosth怎么造句)


need sob to do sth 需要某人做某事
We need you to finish this part as soon as possible.我们需要用你尽快完成这部分。
She need us to help her improve her English.她需要我们帮助她提高英语。

need sthtodo造句简单?

need sth to do 需要某物做某事
I need some money to buy clothes .
我需要一些钱买衣服 。

need sb +to搜趣网 +v-原型造句

I need a sweater.我需要一件毛衣.
I need a pencil.我需要一支铅笔.
I need to do my homew//www.souquanme.comork.我需要做我的家庭作业.
I need you to help me.我需要你帮我.


1. Had need(to) do sth.
No other application will be competing with yours, SCavCrwUso don’t waste space, but don’t be shy about taking what you need to do the job.
This is easy to solve, though. All we need to do is provide the same fuSCavCrwUnctionality through a combo box.
