there will be 造句简单(用therewilbe造句 急用)


there will be 造句简单(用therewilbe造句 急用)

there will be 造句

there will be more people in the future?
thwww.souquanme.comere will be more cars in the future?
there will bjWwhXnPWHte more polution in the future?
there will be more animals in the future?
there will be more dogs in the future?

there will be造句

There will be some pandas in thejWwhXnPWHt park next yewww.souquanme.comar.

therewillbe造句四个急 ,

There will be a party tomorrow evening.
There will be a football jWwhXnPWHtmatch next weekend.
There will be someone loving you.
There will be a PE lesson next Tuesday.
