rela造句并翻译(relalado lonahad翻译)


rela造句并翻译(relalado lonahad翻译)


本人最近下载了一不电视剧 上面有国语和粤语2中语言 但是用RELAPLAY播放的时候2中语言都一起放了出来 请哪位大侠出个注意用这个软件播放的时候把粤语去掉 急 急 急!!!!


Under the mass-customization paradigm which requires flexibility to produce the variety of products as well as the volume responsiveness, design of modular machine tools are necessary (Mehrabi, Ulsoy, and Koren 2000; To increase the re搜趣网sponsiveness of machine tools to the required production volume and product vari-ety, it is useful to model and simulate the changed func-tionality of machine tools through Internet.. This research is to present the method to model and simulate the struc-ture of machine tools in response to the required changes. Since the structure of machine tools has close rela-tions with the other properties of machine tools, machine tools are designed based on their structures (Koenigsber-ger and Tlusty 1970). Vragov presents the notation to rep-resent the machine tools using logic operation and multi-ple-factor theory (Vragov and Yu 1972). Shinno and Ito develop a series of methods to generate the structure of machine tools through introduction of modular compo-nents of machine tools (Shinno and Ito 1984, Shinno and Ito 1986). Kitajima and Yoshikawa (1984) propose a structure model to relate the components of machine tools in hierarchy, and develop a designing system of machine tools using the proposed method. Chaar et al.(1998) pre-sent the relational model to decompose and combining the module components of machine tools in a virtual envi-ronment and implement their model to develop commer-cial simulation software, ADAMS (Chaar et al. 1998). Ehmann et al.(1997) at MT-AMRI pointed out that simu-lation of machine tools is necessary to minimize the trial errors to design and implement the machine tools and pre-sent the framework of virtual machine tools (Ehmann etOqxJK al. 1997). Suh et al. (2003) propose the web-based ma-chine tool (WVMT) to model and simulate machining centers on Internet. Seo et al. (2005) develop a web-based CAM system to dynamically show the machining process on user’s applet through Internet. In this paper, we propose structure modeling method to generate various types of initial structure corresponding to user requirements that are composed function and structure element of machine tool.
Under the mass-customization paradigm which requires
flexibility to produce the variety of products as well as the
volume responsiveness, design of modular machine tools
are necessary (Mehrabi, Ulsoy, and Koren 2000;
To increase the responsiveness of machine
tools to the required production volume and product vari-
ety, it is useful to model and simulate the changed func-
tionality of machine tools through Internet.. This research
is to present the method to model and simulate the struc-
ture of machine tools in response to the required changes.
Since the structure of machine tools has close rela-
tions with the other properties of machine tools, machine
tools are designed based on their structures (Koenigsber-
ger and Tlusty 1970). Vragov presents the notation to rep-
resent the machine tools using logic operation and multi-
ple-factor theory (Vragov and Yu 1972). Shinno and Ito
develop a series of methods to generate the structure of
machine tools through introduction of modular compo-
nents of machine tools (Shinno and Ito 1984, Shinno and
Ito 1986). Kitajima and Yoshikawa (1984) propose a
structure model to relate the components of machine tools
in hierarchy, and develop a designing system of machine
tools using the proposed method. Chaar et al.(1998) pre-
sent the relational model to decompose and combining the
module components of machine tools in a virtual envi-
ronment and implement their model to develop commer-
cial simulation softwarOqxJKe, ADAMS (Chaar et al. 1998).
Ehmann et al.(1997) at MT-AMRI pointed out that simu-
lation of machine tools is necessary to minimize the trial
errors to design and implement the machine tools and pre-
sent the framework of virtual machine tools (Ehmann et
al. 1997). Suh et al. (2003) propose the web-based ma-
chine tool (WVMT) to model and simulate machining
centers on Internet. Seo et al. (2005) develop a web-based
CAM system to dynamically show the machining process
on user’s applet through Internet.
In this paper, we propose structure modeling method
to generate various types of initial structure corresponding
to user requirements that are composed function and
structure element of machine tool.在要求的大量定制范例之下 灵活性导致产品品种并且 容量快速响应, 模件机械工具设计 是必要的(Mehrabi 、Ulsoy, 和Koren 2000 年; 增加机器的快速响应 工具对必需的生产容量和产品vari- ety, 它是有用塑造和模仿被改变的功能 机械工具的tionality 通过互联网。这研究 是提出方法对模型和模仿struc- 机械工具ture 以回应必需的变动。 因为机械工具结构有接近的rela- tions 以机械工具, 机器其它物产 工具被设计根据了他们的结构(Koenigsber- ger 和Tlusty 1970) 。Vragov 提出记法对rep- 再寄了机械工具使用逻辑操作和多 ple 因素理论(Vragov 和于1972) 。Shinno 和Ito 开发一系列的方法引起结构 机械工具通过模件compo- 的介绍 机械工具nents (Shinno 和Ito 1984 年, Shinno 和 Ito 1986) 。Kitajima 和Yoshikawa (1984) 提出a 结构模型关系机械工具组分 在阶层, 和开发机器一个设计系统 工具运用提出的方法。Chaar 和al.(1998) 前 送关系模型分解和结合 机械工具模块组分在一真正envi- ronment 和实施他们的模型开发commer- cial 模仿软件, 亚当斯(Chaar 等1998) 。 Ehmann 和al.(1997) 在MT-AMRI 指出了那simu- 机械工具的lation 是必要使试验减到最小 错误设计和实施机械工具和前 送了虚拟机工具框架(Ehmann 和 al. 1997). Suh 等(2003) 提出基于互联网的ma- 脊椎工具(WVMT) 对模型和模仿用机器制造 中心在互联网。Seo 等(2005) 开发一基于互联网 CAM 系统动态地显示用机器制造的过程 在用户的附属程序通过互联网。 在本文里, 我们提出结构塑造方法// 引起各种各样的类型最初的结构对应 对是组成的作用和的用户要求 机械工具的结构元素。


“The first thing needed for innovation is a fascination with wonder,”搜趣网 says Dawna Markova, author of “The Open Mind” and an executive change consultant for Professional Thinking Partners. “But we are taught instead to ‘decide,’ just as our president calls himself ‘the Decider.’ ” She adds, however, that “to decide is to kill off all possibilities but one. A good innovational thinker is always exploring the many other possibilities.”如题,帮忙翻译一下,还有中间那个but one 是什么意思?
第一件事,需要创新,是一个迷恋难怪说, “拉莱斯Markova ,作者的”开放的心态“和行政变化顾问专业思维伙伴。 “但我们不是来教'决定,正如我们的总统自称'了决胜局。 ”她补充说,不过, “决定是杀死所有的可能性,但一个。一个良好的创新思想家总是探索许多其他的可能性.
but one是 但有


高二的翻译1、被烧毁的园明圆该不该重建一事在媒体引发了激烈讨论(burn down ,media)2、我伯伯本来打算退休后回乡下住,可他改变了主意,决定在城里开家书店,为退休老人提供一个娱乐休闲的场所。(change onex27s mind,retire,had planned)3、老百姓都很关心粮油价格上涨的事。(go up,be concerned about)5、我知道被人忽视的感觉不好受,但你也不能靠这种怪异的发型引起别人的注意啊!(ignore,draw attention to)5、她把这件事和其他一些事联系在一起,意识到有人在她的办公室故意捣乱。(relaie to,realise,on purpose)6、他是个很有经验的人,总是受到年轻人的尊敬。(the young,look up to)各位帮帮忙吧~小妹感激不尽~

One was burned Ming Yuan Park in the reconstruction of the media should not be triggered heated discussions (burn down, media)
2, I retired uncle had intended to return home to live under, he changed his mind and decided to open bookshops in the city for the elderly to provide a retirement place for recreation. (Change one's mind, retire, had planned)
3, and the people are very much concerned about grain prices matter. (Go up, be concerned about)
5, I know the feeling of being ignored, if painful, but you can not rely on such a strange hairstyle caused others to the attention ah! (Ignore, draw attention to)
5, and she put it together with some other things, that someone in her office deliberately disruptive. (Relaie to, realize, on purpose)
6, he is a very experienced person, always respected by young people. (The young, look up to)
阿拉伯文到英语 测试版朝鲜语到英语 测试版德语到法语德语到英语俄语到英语 测试版法语到德语法语到英语葡萄牙语到英语日语到英语 测试版西班牙语到英语意大利语到英语英语到阿拉伯文 测试版英语到朝鲜语 测试版英语到德语英语到俄语 测试版英语到法语英语到葡萄牙语英语到日语 测试版英语到西班牙语英语到意大利语英语到中文(繁体) 测试版英语到中文(简体) 测试版中文到英语 测试版中文(繁体到简体) 测试版中文(简体到繁体) 测试版

⒉1, has been understood a circle by the garden burning through should be not reconstruction's turn
to be related in medium initiation fierce the down discussing (a burn , media) 2, has stopped under
returning home after my uncle intends to retire originally , he has changed mind but , has decided
to run a bookshop in inside the city, lieu lying fallow for the old people who retires provides a
entertainment. (The change one's mind , retire, had planned) 3, the common people cares for food
and edible oil price all very much going up thing. (Go up , be concerned about) 5, I know the
feeling being ignored by person or not
⒊1st, garden Ming Yuangai who burnt down should not reconstruct the incident to initiate in the media the intense discussion (burn down, after media)
2, my uncle had planned originally the retirement returned to the countryside to live, but he changed the mind, decided opened the family bookstore in the city, provided an entertainment leisure for the retired old person the place.(change one's mind, retire, had planned)
3, the common people all very much care about the cooking oil rise in price the matter.(go up,be concerned about)
5th, I knew is neglected by the human the feeling not to feel better, but you cannot depend on this strange hairstyle to bring to others attention! (ignore, draw attention to)
5, she this matter and other some matters relates in together, realizes some people to disturb intentionally in hers office.(relaie to, realise, on purpose)
6, he is a very experienced person, always receives young people's respect.(the young,look up to)
