



1.用clear分别造句:清晰的、明亮的、清楚的。2.用nature分别造句:性质、种类。3.“一张羊皮”用英语怎么说?4.用dark分别造句:名词:黑暗、暗处、日暮;形容词:暗淡的。5.用make up造句:化妆。6.用drop分别造//www.souquanme.com句:投递、放弃。7.用on earth造句:到底、究竟。8.用deep分别造句:厚的、宽的。9.用wild造句:未开发的,荒凉的。10.用bear分别造句:承受、忍受。PS:造的句子最好加上中文释义。谢谢了!
please make it clear.说清楚
It is human being's nature.这是人的本性
a piece of lamb skin一张羊皮
it 's dark here ,open the window太暗了,开窗
stop making up, you are www.souquanme.coma man~别化了,你是老爷们
where are you on earth你到底他妈的在哪
ocean deep sea,I love it.我爱深蓝的大海
it is a wild world世事艰难
I can't bear you any more忍不了你了
1、The floor is clear.
I make my point clear.
2、Iron and wood have different natures.铁和木头的性质不同。
I think he's a physicist or something of that nature.我想他大概是物理学家或那一类的人。
3、a piece of glove leather
4、Mary is nervous in the dark. Mary在黑暗的环境下会感到紧张。
It was a dark, moonless night.那是一个漆黑无月的夜。
5、Party is started,get yourself made up quickly.宴会开始了,快点化妆。
6、There's still hope,don'搜趣网t drop!别放弃,还有希望。
7、what's wrong with you on earth? 你到底怎么了?
8、The hole is really deep.这个洞很深。
9、This place is wild.这片土地很荒芜。
She is wild.她很狂野。
10、The sound is so noising,i can't bear it.我实在无法忍受这聒噪的声响。
1.This computer is clear!这台电脑真www.souquanme.com清晰
2.Too many kinds of clothes!也件衣服的种类真多
3.A sheep
4.The sky is dark天空真黑暗
5.Many girls like makeup许多女生的都喜欢化妆自己
6.What do not give up做什么不要放弃
7.What's the problem这道题究竟怎么做
8.This book really thick?这本书到底厚多少//www.souquanme.com
9.Hill was desolate山上很荒凉
10.She cannot suffer她无法在忍受折磨


Eat seafood
Red wine tends to have a higher iron content, hence the admonition against mixing it with seafood.


英语 单词造句.1.gift 2.shark 3.aquarium 4.seal 5.hang 6.hang out 7.souvenir 8.win 9.autograph 10.prize 10个单词 各造一句.合情合理就行 不用太长.
1.gift I sent her a gift as a token of my congratulation. 我给她寄去一件礼物表示祝贺。 2.shark He told me he once caught a shark, but I know he was swinging the lead. 他告诉我有一回他捕到了一条鲨鱼,我知道他是在胡诌。 3.aquarium A large aquarium for the study or display of marine life. 海洋水族馆研究或陈列海洋生物的巨大水族馆 4.seal This document carries the royal seal. 这份文件上盖有王室印章。 5.hang Hang it all, they hardly know each other! 真见鬼,他们彼此不太认识。 6.hang out Go and hang out the washing to dry. 去把洗好的衣服晾乾。 7.souvenir Please accept this as a souvenir for out friendship. 请接受这个作为我们友谊的纪念品。 8.win A competitive person loves to win and hates to lose. 竞争心强的人喜欢赢讨厌输。 9.autograph I've got lots of famous footballers' autographs. 我有许多著名足球运动员的亲笔签名. 10.prize The portrait of her mother was her most prized possession. 她母亲的这张肖像是她最珍爱的物品。
