rely on it that造句(rely on it that appreciate it)


rely on it that造句(rely on it that appreciate it)

can we rely on it// that....

can we rely on it (that )the company promised to cooperate with us without any contract?为什么用that而不能用which?
//www.souquanme.com句子可以看出 it 是形式宾语,而真正的宾语是 the company promised to cooperate with us without any contract 。这样用that把它们来串联起来,that 仅起引导作用,在从句中不充当任何成分,和先行词也没什么关系。而which则不同,一般要修饰先行词,并在从句中充当一定的成分如主语,宾语等。

you may rely on it that

you may rely on___everyting will be ready by monday a.that that A为什么不能选?
因为rely on it that.是个固定句型,意思是:依靠.
此句型中it是形式宾语,当rely on后接的宾语过长而主语又较短时,为避免“脚重头轻”的现象,我们就用形式宾语it代替真正的宾语,而将真正的宾语后置

rely on it that appreciate it

you may rely on it that she is sure to attend the party.ix27ll appreciate it if you help me with //www.souquanme.commy English.这两个it的用法是什么啊,感觉很像啊,能总结这类的用法吗
you may rely on it that she is sure to attend the party.
it指代she is sure to attend the party
i&#//www.souquanme.com39;ll a//www.souquanme.comppreciate it if you help me with my English.
it 指代if you help me with my English
