bloodsugar造句(r usa g可以组成什么单词)


bloodsugar造句(r usa g可以组成什么单词)


blood 相关例句
1. Lots of people donated blood.
2. His blood was up.
3. They avenged their father's blood.
4. There was bad blood between them.

blood造句 简单一点,初二水平

His shirt was covered in blood.

bee glue

请帮我找一篇介绍蜂胶的英文文章,最好包括治疗糖尿病和降三高在内的文章,不用太长, 能解释出这两点就行. 我想蜂胶介绍给一个外国人,但是他不相信蜂胶的作用,所以我想找篇英文的来帮我解释. 谢谢大家!
Propolis is a nutrient-rich substance made by honey bees. It is a resinous substance gathered from deciduous tree bark and leaves. Used as a healing agent for many centuries it has the ability to provide protection against infectious invaders, promote healing and regeneration of tissue, and provides a superior source of energy and stamina.
Diabetes is a "Wealth disease", is also a kind of elderly patients. Is a metabolic diseases, mainly due to lack of insulin secretion caused or relative lack of sugar, fat, p搜趣网rotein three major metabolic disorder, in a variety of nutrients can not be caused by normal use.
Propolis on the role of diabetes: propolis not only a good anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidation, to purify the blood and remove toxins, strengthen the role of immunization, but also a 搜趣网significant lowering blood glucose, hypolipidemic, softening blood vessels, and other role, which is the treatment of diabetic A very important significance.
Propolis reduce the role of blood 搜趣网sugar, complications of diabetes prevention and treatment the main ways:
1. Studies show that flavonoids in propolis, terpene vinyl material is promoting the use of exogenous glucose source of the role of glycogen, and such substances in the catalpol obvious material such as blood glucose lowering effect.
2. Propolis has bactericidal anti-inflammatory effect, can be activated cells, to promote tissue regeneration.
3. Propolis is a strong natural anti-oxidants, and can significantly increase the activity of SOD. Taking propolis not only can reduce the free radical damage to cells, but also the prevention and treatment of a variety of complications.
4. Propolis has strengthened the role of efficacy, in general taking insulin injections or hypoglycemic hypoglycemic agents, can improve efficacy, can significantly lower blood sugar.
