


Nomination Criteria 怎么翻译

ps 有时候就是会有 多个 名词组合 成的词组, 此时可以直接翻译,最后一个名词是作为被修饰的词,nomination(提名的) 就是来修饰 criteria(准则)的。
比如:黑芝麻 Black Sesame

vessel nomination什么意思

vessel nomination什么意思
please be informed that I fixed the following vessel in order to perform
the shipment of one lot for 100mt and one for 200mt:
ETD: OCT 12, 2012
ETA: NOV 22, 2012
以上就是vessel nomination,因此翻译成 船舶信息通知 最好。


关于在美国奥斯丁举办的会议现在已经进入提名阶段(最终提名日期 12月7日)。通过和4位同事沟通现在的提名情况如下a:正在和sales确认最终人选b:需要等待经理批准人选c:正在和sales确认最终人选d:无其他 正在和sales确认最终人选特别要提醒大家的是:公司不会负责机票及签证由于时间很紧张,请大家尽量加快沟通速度以便我们可以准时完成提名工作
For the meeting to be held in Austin of the states,it has entered into the nomination phase(nomination deadline by Dec.7).
As discussed with my four collegues,the nominatixlcBHOBaon status is specified as follows:
a:Dicussion with the Sales on who will be picked up as the final nominees is undergoing;
b:The nominees need to be approved by the manager;
c:Dicussion with the Sales on who will be picked up as the final nominees is undergoing;
Special Attention:the company will not pay for the air ticket and visa.
Time's running out,please everybody hurries up so that we can finished the nomination case by the deadline.
去国外开会,公司不报机票和签证?? OMG.


帮忙翻译下面这些不要用自动翻译器=。=最好比较口语化。------------------------------------下面我给大家描述一些艺术家,大家猜他们的名字。音乐家1.他是一名钢琴家.他很高,很年轻,很帅。他来自克罗地亚,他有两首很著名的钢琴曲一首是Croatian Rhapsody 一首是Flight of the Bumblebee。他可以一秒钟弹16次钢琴键。2.他是一个中国的著名钢琴家。他曾经在北京奥运会上演奏过。他是第一位获得格莱美古典音乐最佳演奏奖提名、并在颁奖仪式上演奏的中国人3.他是一个德国人,是一个世界著名的钢琴家。他是一个耳聋的人。代表作有Moonlight和The fate画家1.他是一个荷兰人,他画过很多有名的画,《向日葵》《夜间咖啡馆》是他的作品。他后来得了精神病,最后自杀而亡。2.他是一个意大利人。他不仅是画家,还是寓言家、哲学家、音乐家、医学家、生物学家、地理学家等。著名作品有 Mona Lisa、最后的晚餐歌唱家1.他是一个俄罗斯人。他的代表歌曲有歌剧2和星星。他很年轻,而且出演过电影花木兰。2.她是一个美国人。代表歌曲有baby one more time 、Everytime和TOXIC。3.她是一位加拿大流行摇滚歌手、歌曲创作者及演员并以“滑板朋克”出名,喜欢穿NIKE,匡威帆布鞋!她的代表歌曲有girlfriend、sk8er boi、my happy ending等。谁可以告诉我,他是谁、?------------------------------------谢谢了~ 是英语口语练习。最好词汇比较简单,句型不太复杂,因为口语描述怕听不懂=。=谢谢了~。
1.He is a young,tall and handsome pianoist.He comes from Croatia.The two most famous pieces of his work is Croatian Rhapsody and Flight of the Bumblebee.He can hit 16 times a key per second!
2.He is a well-known Chinese pianoist.He has played for Olympics.He is the first Chinese to gain the nomination of Classical Music Grammy Award for best performance and play on the ceremony.
3.He is German, a world class pianoist.But he's deaf.The masterpieces of his are Moonlight and The fate.
1.He was from Holand, he's drawn a lot masterpieces.Sunflower and Night Cafe were two of his wor搜趣网k.But he got mental disease in his late years and commit a suicide.
2.He was an Italian and he was not only a painter but also philosopher, musician, chemist and so on.His masterpieces were Mona Lisa and Last Dinner.
1.He was a Russian, two of his masterpieces were Opera2 and Star. He was young and has starred in Mulan.
2.She was an American. Some masterpieces of her were baby one搜趣网 more time, everytime and TOXIC.
3.She is a Canadian pop rock singer, composer and actress, she was famous for "Skate Punk".She likes to wear Nike and Converse.Some masterpieces of her are girlfriend,sk8er boi,my happy ending and so on.
Can anyone tell me who they are?//


Thanks for your reminding.
Could we start the next process of nomination now?
