search英语造句(search for 和 search 的用法 翻译 例句)


search英语造句(search for 和 search 的用法 翻译 例句)

用search engine造句

The search engine optimisation landscape is an ever changing environment and SEO firms who do not keep their attentions focused on this landscape run the risk of their current strategies becoming less effective and in some cases not effective at all.
When it is the unwanted attentions of an admirer that we have never had a relationship some might say this is flattering, but if we are already in a relationship or they are not our type it can become a nuisance to have them showing an interest.
It is not hard to see women that are wearing garments that are too tight, see through, too shear, too small or too short chafe at unwanted male attentions that range from hard stares, cat calls, whistles, to blocking her path and touching.
Although it is true that making a scrapbook from scratch is one of the easiest pastimes, learners of this art are advised not to focus all their attentions on attempting to use all the materials they have and placing in on the pages.
In the UK we have traditionally not had an event that has dominated the attentions of advertisers to the same extent, and with diminishing audiences due to more digital channels, will the UK ever adopt this very American tradition?
One of the most enthralling aspects to make your own custom vinyl stickers online is to put into practice your own custom logos so that you will be definitely able to grab huge attentions your targeted customers straight away.
Your wealth creation mindset is based on creating the right balance between your focused attentions and manifesting abundance emotions with allowing circumstances to unfold and keeping a healthy emotional state.
In fact, quail hunting means engaging in a different form of bird hunting that in fact, is also an activity that does not get quite so many media attentions as do some of the other forms of bird hunting.
The efforts and the skills incorporated by Mr. Peter Hartman managed to introduce this product in a way that it suddenly captured the attentions of the hospitals as well as the individual mothers.
Since the KsOVUzODLfocus is on fertility as well, gay and lesbian individuals looking for love might find unwanted attentions from the opposite gender if casting Love Spells during the month of May!
As we emerge from the back end of summer, many businesses will be turning theirattentions towards Christmas, but can business gifts be just as effective the rest of the year round?
Almost half of the Norwegian population resides in the counties of Oslo, Rogaland, Akershus and Hordaland, and so this is where property investors should focus theirattentions.
They are putting the tru搜趣网ly effective teachers in the most challenging classrooms to help the kids that need more focused attentions and better teachers to be able to succeed.
Multicolor line is a magical creative work of Takashi Murakami; its colorful and brilliant images give us a profound impression, which attracts attentions of lots of people.
The deals offered buy all these above mentioned top mobile networks are very attractive and seeking attentions of users with its tempting offers and lucrative buying plans.
Though you are going to play a game, you can wear it and all the spectators will pay their attentions on you for your distinctive elegant demeanour the shoes bring to you.
Each brand seems to be in comparing whose size is bigger, after all oversize and exaggerate jewelry could attract more at//www.souquanme.comtentions, and also could make wearers look slim.
Whilst training as a pilot he suffered a car accident which meant he could not continue with a career in naval aviation and he turned his attentions to the ocean.
Communication skills are now paid more and more attentions; on the other hand, people begin to find the problems that have a negative impact in this process.
So, be sure to play it smart on this occasion, opt for an exclusive pair of ladies fashion Footwear and get ready to get all those appreciative attentions.


  英 [sɜ:tʃ] 美 [sɜ:rtʃ]
  动词 搜查; 搜寻,搜索; 调查; 探求
  名词 搜索; 调查; 探求
  1. Police searched everyone present at the scene of crime.
  2. I've searched my memory, but I can't remember that man's name.
  3. The cold wind searched every part of the city.
  1. Concrete steps have been made for online game industry and business models of search engine service.
  2. Bush signed the Patriot Act, giving the government powers to search records and conduct roving wiretaps in pursuit of terrorists.
  3. I search them out from books and sometimes stumble upon them just by chance.
  4. Despite search efforts by more than 100 employees, the dog had not been found by the end of the day.
  5. A tourist surnamed Lu was asked by security personnel at the square for his identity card and to search his backpack.
  6. IFPI said this is the first time for an enforcement agency to take action against a search engine for suspected copyright infringement.
  7. The panda base officials aren't limiting their search to China by the way, they want to make it a global competition.
  8. The work paused momentarily to allow two dogs from a Turkish cadaver team to search the wreckage for missing bodies or body parts.
  9. Search operations were called off after nightfall for the unknown number of passengers still missing.
  1. 搜寻;搜索;搜查;寻求
  If you search for something or someone, you look carefully for them.
  e.g. The Turkish security forces have started searching for the missing men...
  e.g. They searched for a spot where they could sit on floor...
  2. 在…中搜寻(或搜索);搜查(某地)
  If you search a place, you look carefully for something or someone there.
  e.g. Armed troops searched the hospital yesterday...
  e.g. She searched her desk for the necessary information...
  3. 搜寻;寻求
  A search is an attempt to find something or someone by looking for them carefully.
  e.g. There was no chance of him being found alive and the search was abandoned...
  e.g. Egypt has said there is no time to lose in the search for a Middle East settlement.
  4. 搜查;对…搜身
  If a police officer or someone else in authority searches you, they look carefully to see whether you have something hidden on you.
  e.g. The man took her suitcase from her and then searched her...
  e.g. His first task was to search them for weapons.


search[sə:tʃ] 添加生词 改进词条
v. 搜寻,探求,调查
n. 搜寻,探究
例句与用法:Where's the newspaper?' Search me, I haven't seen it.'
I want to search out an old school friend.
Scientists are still searching for a cure to the common cold.
They searched the woods for the little boy.
We did a computer search for all the hyphenated words.
名词:searcher 动词过去式:searched
过去分词:searched 现在分词:searching
第三人称单数:searches 形容词:searchable
search, seek, comb
search: 侧重努力和彻底搜寻某人或某地。
seek: 书面用词,使用广。指付出很大努力去寻找某人或某物。
comb: 指像梳头一样进行搜寻,侧重费力和彻底搜查。
英英解释:名词 search:
the activity of looking thoroughly in order to find something or someone
同义词:hunt, hunting
an investigation seeking answers
an operation that determines whether one or more of a set of items has a specified property
the examination of alternative hypotheses
boarding and inspecting a ship on the high seas
动词 search:
try to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of
同义词:seek, look for
search or seek
inquire into
同义词:research, explore
subject to a search
互动百科:search: 现代人应该掌握的三个厉害的工具是搜索(searKsOVUzODLch)、计算机、英语。... 详情
