句尾it可以指代上一句的事物吗(it可以指代上文的一件事吗 比如it可以指代play basketball吗)


句尾it可以指代上一句的事物吗(it可以指代上文的一件事吗 比如it可以指代play basketball吗)


it is unbelievable that Chinese team lost the gold medal of table tennis in Olympic Games.
it作为形式主语,在本句中指代的是that 引导的主语从句。

it ,that 指代上文句子,话.

主要是想问下 ,it 和 that ,this ,在替代 上文所说过的话 ,句子 ,等. 他们之间区别主要是什么 .( 我不是问 ,it 的形式主语或宾语用法)如.Jack would be the last man to believe that
1. this指近处的物品,that指远处的物品,it没有远近之分。请看:
1) This is a ruler. 这是一把尺子。(指近处) 2) That is an eraser. 那是一块橡皮擦。(指远处)
2. 在回答this 和that作主语的疑问句时,常用it代替this和that。请看:
1)—Is this / that a desk? 这 / 那是书桌吗? —Yes, it is. 是的,它是。(No,it isn’t. 不,它不是。)
2)—What’s this / that? 这 / 那是什么?—It’s a sharpener. 这 / 那是卷笔刀。
3. 表示两个在一起的物品时,应先说this, 后说that。再请看:
This is a pen. That is a pencil. 这是钢笔,那是铅笔。
[密笈]“这个” this离我近,“那个” that距我远,it指代“它”,答语中把this / that换。
1. 在交际中介绍某人时,用this或that,而不用it。请看:
This is Li Mei. That is Wang Fang. 这是李梅,那是王芳。
2. 回答特殊疑问句中作主语指“人”的this或that时,答语仍用this或that,不用it。请看:
搜趣网Who’s this / that? 这 / 那位是谁? —This / That is Miss Lin. 这 / 那位是林小姐。
3. 电话用语中的“我”和“你”,不用I和you, 而用this和that, 此时的this / that可以用it代替。请看:
—Hello, is that / it Wei Hua? 喂,你是魏华吗? —No, this / it is Wang Lan. 不是,我是王兰。
4. 指性别不明的婴儿或身份不明的人时,用it取代this和that 。请看:
—Who’s it? 谁呀? —It’s me. 是我。
1)We are studying in a school with trees all around it.(it替代可数名词school)
2)-Have you still kept your old furniture?
-No,I have sold iwww.souquanme.comt.(it替代不可数名词furniture)
1)It is a great surprise to meet you here.(It替代不定式短语to meet you here)
2)I think it is no good parents doing anything for their children.(it替代动名词的复合结构parents doing anything for短语)
3)We found it impossible that they could complete the task in two hours.(it替代that they could...从句)
1)He said he had never met her,and it is not true.(it替代前面整个句子He said...)
2)I hate it when people talk with their mouths full.(it代替后面整个句子when people talk with...)(NMET'98)
1.that用来替代前面提到的特指的事物,所代替的名词可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词.代替可数名词可以用the one替换.但其前面不可用任何限定词修饰.例如:
1)The population of China is larger than that of Japan.(that代替不可数名词population,不可用the one替换)
2)The headteacher in your class is younger and more active than that in theirs.(that代替可数名词headteacher,可用the one替换)
1)She heard a terrible noise,and that brought her heart into her mouth.(that替代前面的名词noise)
2)They said they had discussed the problem,and that (=it) was impossible.(that替代前面整个并列分句They said...)
1)The lady that came to our class is from Australia.(that指代先行词lady)
2)A clock is a machine that tells people the time.(that指代先行词machine)
4.that的复数形式为those,只可替代可数名词复数,在句中相当于the ones.例如:
1)The nights there in summer are shorter than those in winter.(those替代nights,可用the搜趣网 ones替换)
2)The students who do best in the exam are not always those with the best brains.(those替代students,可用the ones替换)

it可以指代上文的一件事吗,比如it可以指代play basketball吗

it的用法(Use of It)较为复杂,现归纳如下:
1) 作人称代词(Personal Pronoun)。可指代事物、动物、婴儿,以及未知的人或事。it用于指代上文提到的那个表示物的名词本身,可指单数可数名词或不可数名词。例如:
“Where is the dog?” “It’s in the gardenfIjDbnA.” “狗在哪儿?” “在花//www.souquanme.com园里。”
Look at the poor little baby. It is crying again. 看这可怜的娃娃。它又哭了。
“Who is that?” “It’s my friend.” “那是谁?” “是我的朋友。”
You have saved my life. I will never forget it. 你救了我的命。我绝不会忘记这件事。
2) 作非人称代词(Impersonal Pronoun)。用于引出非人称句,表示天气、时间和距离等。例如:
It’s cloudy/cold today.今天多 冷? /很冷。
It’s half past nine.现在是九点半。
It’s a long way to the railway station.这儿距离火车站很远。
3) 作形式代词(Form Pronoun)。在某些结构中代替充当主语和宾语的不定式短语、动名词短语或从句等。例如:
It is very important to master a foreign language. 掌握一门外语很重要。(代替不定式作主语)
It is no use teaming these figures by heart. 记住这些数字没有用。(代替动名词作主语)
It is quite right that you did that. 你做那件事是对的。(代替主语从句)
I consider itmy duty to help you. 我认为帮助你是我的责任。(代替不定式作宾语)
They took itfor granted that I would go to their party. 他们满以为我会参加他们的晚会。(代替宾语从句)
4) 作为引导词(Emphatic it)。用于引导强调句,对句中某个成分表示强调(参见十四讲名词从句14.2〔注〕)例如:
It was his father that made him a lawyer. 是他父亲使他成了一名律师。

这个IT指代什么呢 可以指代一句话么?

as usual, the police will have a difficult time. they will be trying to keep order. It is always the same on these occasions.
