小学英语作文不会造句怎么办(英语不会造句 怎么办)


小学英语作文不会造句怎么办(英语不会造句 怎么办)


Virtually, people assume different attitudes towards this issue. The topic of education could always attract our eyes. In my humble opinion, I almost disagreed with this statement.
Some people are inclined to think that if they dowww.souquanme.com not share the government’s financial support, they will have no obligation to contribute to the universal education. But//www.souquanme.com some people won’t agree it.
To the best of my knowledge, no one can deny the fact t搜趣网hat the education is one of the most important factor to a country’s development .It’s no overstatement to say that poverty deprived many students of the rights to be educated in some areas, Many excellent student could not improve their knowledge any more .Being a citizen of our country, we must ta搜趣网ke this issue into consideration .whether your child are sent to govern//www.souquanme.comment-financed school or not ,you’d better paid taxes because it is a kind of social responsibilities.
As a consequence, education is to a country what foundation is to a building. I am convinced that support universal education will bring lots of benefits.—


这种情况就要大量的看范文,看作文模板,积累一些句型,然后背会开头,结尾,有一些结构也要背会,比如first of all,second,,让自己的作文最起码结构清晰。然后想要提分的话,就要练字,买本衡水的英语字帖,天天练,一个月就会有明显进步。然后要善于想象,把作文主题具体化,编也要变出故事来。如果目前一个字也写不出来,背是唯一的方法,不要说什么要自己写,因为你永远想不到自认为完美的句子在老师看来就是一个病句。平时多背,多积累,不要考试要写时才开始构思,写作文的基本套路在平时就应该自己总结出来或者看书背下来。




