for作为为了的时候造句(用for造句 for表示为了)


for作为为了的时候造句(用for造句 for表示为了)


for [f�0�0:] prep. 为,为了;因为;给;对于;至于;适合于conj. 因为 1. This small present is for you. 这个小礼物是送给你的。2. Sam is noted for his strength. 萨姆是个著名的大力士。3. Doctors say it is good for us. 医生说这对我们是有好处的。4. Dad gives us duck for supper. 晚饭,爸爸给我买了鸭子。5. You speak too fast for me, Bob. 对我而言你说得太快了,鲍勃。6. But this park is for real. 但是这个公园是真的。7. They insisted that he work for them. 他们坚持要他为他们工作。8.Thank you for your delicious dinner. 谢谢你美味可口的晚餐。9. Is the hole large enough for my body? 这个洞对我的身体来说是否够大?10.Thank you again for your hospitality. 再次谢谢你的热情款待。11.We work for the building of socialism. 我们为建设社会主义而工作。12.Still, it should be fun for both of yo搜趣网u. 尽管如此,你们两个都应该感到快乐。13.Make a suit for me with the magic cloth. 用这种有魔力的布给我做一套衣服。14.Your birthday is an especial day for you. 你的生日是你的一个特殊的日子。16.After that, we could go for esteem and r//www.souquanme.comespect. 而再往上,我们可能需要自尊和尊重。 17.The little girl came hurrying to her mother for sympathy. 那个小女孩急忙来到妈妈跟前争取同情。18.For the banking system, however, there are still signs of dislocation. 但对于银行业体系来说,仍然存在混乱的迹象。19.The two most important issues for investors relate to size and process. 就投资者而言,最重要的两个问题涉及规模与过程。20.Because the ultimate goal for me, and I think the ultimate goal for any athlete. 因为对我来说最终的目标——我想也是每一个运动员的最终目标。21."It is// important for students to use English every day, " says Professor 搜趣网Wilson. “对学生来说,每天使用英语是很重要的,”威尔逊教授说。


(1)因为,由于 for this reason
(2) 表示时间\距离长度; for three days; He ran for three miles.
(3) 为了 :What do you come here for?
(4) 表示等价交换:He sold his house for 30,000 dolloDpkFTzqnars.
(5) 开往;前往 We set off for London.
(6) 代;替;代表 Red is for danger.
(7) 用于for + 名词或代词 + to + 不定式动词的名词短语中
The bell rang for the lesson to begin.
2.conj 因为 (表示推测或附加的原因,前后为并列句)
It must have rained last night,for the ground is wet.
Kuntta ( a prisoner ) knew day broke,for he heard the birds singing.
尽管for 的用法较多,但记住常用的几个就可以了.


for造句英语i study two hours for every evening!i study for two hours every evening
i study two hours for every evening!
i study for two hours every evening.
for every evening 用法不对,every evening 意思是每个晚上,前面不需要介词。
for four hours四个小时,表示一个时间段。

for 和 to 表为了、对于 什么时候该用哪个

表为了:I bought it for you.我为你买了这个
表对于:For me it's an easy job.对于我来说,这是份简单的工作。
表为了:To take the gun is to protect our safety.带这把枪是为了我们的安全。
表对于:It's too hard to do it.(对于)这事真是太难完成了。
