shout for help造句
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用shoutat sb怎么造句?
回答者:sinkychan_53 - 魔法师 四级 3-28 17:51
题目有误,应该是 shout at sb 意思是对某人叫喊,sb是某人的意思,在句子里可用代词(如he,me,her,it),或用名词
He shouts at me.
He shouted at me last week.
Don't shout at our teachers!
回答者:7236ls - 魔法师 四级 3-28 17:52
你说的是 shou at sb吧!!
eg:The ole lady shouted at the boy.
eg: He shouted insults at the salesman who had cheated him the other day.
shout to sb用这个造句
(1) He shouted at me to get out of his way.
(2) He shouted to me to come over to help.
要正确理解这两句子,关键是要理解shout at与shout to的意思和区别。
shout at sb与shout to sb 的区别可大致描述为:前者多指因为生气等而非善意地对某人吼叫,后者多指因距离远而不得不大声叫喊(否则对方无法听见),不带生气等感情因素。所以上面第(1)句的意思是:他对我怒喊不要挡他的路。第(2)句的意思是:他大声叫我过去帮忙。
The dog came at the boy. 狗向小男孩扑来。(意即咬人)
The dog came to the boy. 狗向小男孩走过来。(无咬人之意)
All of them ran at me. 他们都向我扑来。(意即攻击我)
All of them ran to me. 他们都向我跑过来。(无攻击之意)
He threw the ball at me. 他把球向我砸来。(意欲打我)
He threw the ball to me. 他把球抛给我。(无打人之意)
He shouted at his wife. 他对他妻子吼叫。( 意在训人)
He shouted to his wife. 他朝他妻子大声喊叫。(无训人之意)
“shout at sb”怎么造句?
Quit crying BITCH , why do you always make&nwww.souquanme.combsp;me shout at you?
别在哭了,婊子! 为什么你一直要让我对你吼叫?
Quit crying bitch, why you always make me shout at you?
婊子别给我哭叫, 为什么你总要逼我骂你.
Does he often shout at you fwww.souquanme.comor no reason?
他经常没有理由的对你大喊大叫 吗 ?
I'm sorry, Casey, I didn't mean to snap at you like that.
Do not be surprised if, initially, she directs her anger at you.
Heaven will take you back and look at you and say, "Only one thing can make a soul complete—and that thing is love."
I'm sorry I yelled at you last night.
You know Molly's pissed at you.
I'm sorry I blew up at you.
Gee, it's good to have a look at you, old socks!
嘿, 老兄, 我很高兴见到了你.